
Tipping will let the customer add a tip to the ticket during the sale process. The tips are reported on the Tipping by SA report. You can configure a Holdback %, which will be deducted from Credit Card type tips.

How tipping works

Using Gravity Payments/ChargeItPro, using a credit card: If a credit card payment is taken when using a PAX credit card terminal, then the terminal will display a prompt for the tip amount (NOTE: Tipping prompts are not available on Castle MP200 terminals). Any tip the customer enters is added to the charged amount. With Cash, Checks, or credit card payments without Gravity Payments/ChargeItPro: If the ProfitSystem is not using the optional Gravity Payments/ChargeItPro credit card processing system, and if the Cash, Checks or a credit card tender type is selected, then the ProfitSystem will prompt for the tip amount on-screen prior to entering the payment amount. The clerk will need to ask the customer for the tip amount to apply, if any. Any tip amount entered will be taken from the total payment entered.
After the tip is taken, the tip is shown on the Receipt, in the payment section. When the Receipt is printed on the same day that a Tip is taken, the Tip will print on the Receipt with the caption 'Tip Paid Today'. However, if the Receipt is printed any day after a Tip is taken, the total of Tips taken will appear with the caption 'Tip Paid Previously'. This is necessary to make sure the math on the Receipt adds up correctly.
When a tip is taken, it will be given to the first Sales Associate on the ticket. This is the sales associate for the first sale or rental that is not cancelled on the ticket. So, if a ticket has 3 sales on it, and the first sale was cancelled, then the tip will be assigned to the sales associate on the second sale.

Getting started with tipping

Note: If you are using Gravity/ChargeItPro with PAX or CLOVER terminals, please reach out to Gravity Payments/ChargeItPro and have them turn on tipping for the PAX or Clover terminals where you would like to prompt for tips. Tipping prompts are not available on Castle MP200 terminals from Gravity Payments/ChargeItPro.

To enable tipping:

Go to Setup-> General Setup-> Stores-> Detail tab (or Housekeeping-> General Setup-> Stores-> Detail tab). You will see the fields related to Tips near the upper-right, below the "Notes" button.

Enable tipping?... Check this box to turn on the Tipping function
Confirm tip SA?... This setting is optional, but recommended. If checked, the system will prompt for the Sales Associate ID that you wish to receive the tip at the time you enter a tip. You may enter up to 3 different Sales Associate IDs, and the tip will be split accordingly between them on the Tips by SA report (100% for one, 50% for two and 33% for three). Note: If this box is NOT checked, the tip will automatically be applied to the Sales Associate that entered the first Sale on the Sales Ticket, and the system will NOT prompt for who should receive the Tip.
Holdback %... This setting is optional, and can be used if the shop wishes to hold back a % of tips taken, for any reason. The Holdback % will be computed and printed on the Tips by SA report. On the Tips by SA report, the gross tip is shown, and the holdback % is computed from it and shown, followed by the net tip.

Reporting on tips

The Tips by SA report is located at Reports-> SA Reports-> Tips by SA (or Main Menu-> Reports-> Sales by SA-> Tips by SA).

The Tips by SA report lists all the tips collected for a specified date span. Tips on the report are sorted, grouped and totalled by Sales Associate. The report shows the following information: The Date, the (Sales) Ticket Number, the Tender Type, the Price (tip), the Holdback % (if configured), the Net Tip, and the Role of the Customer who gave the Tip. Note: If a Holdback % has been set up (as described above), then it will be calculated on credit card type tips and shown on the report.

The options / selections when running the report are:

Tips collected between... The Date Range with which to run the report
Limit to sales associate... If you wish to limit the report to just one Sales Associate, wnter their Sales Associate ID here. Leaving the field blank will print the report for ALL Sales Associates.
Print one SA per page... If checked, the system will print one separate page for each Sales Associate. If not check, the report will print using the least amount of paper possible.
Department by SA... If the shop's Registers have been set up by Department, entering a Department in this field will show only the Tips entered on that Department's Registers.
Summary report only... If checked, the printed report will show less detail (it will print only the grand totals for each Sales Associate, without showing the Sales Ticket numbers, Tender Types and Roles).

Additional notes:

There is a Security Action on the Tips by SA Report, so you can limit who in the shop can run that report. The name of the Security Action is RP_TIPSSA. Make sure to allow at least one Security Group to run the Tips by SA Report. The Security Groups setup is located at Setup-> General Setup-> Security Groups Permissions (or Main Menu-> Housekeeping->General Setup->Security Groups Permissions). Note: Tips are suppressed from the other sales reports.

Tips on the Revenue Report

The tips are shown as Tips Revenue and balance against the tender type for the tip. Tips are treated as any other sale for revenue realized calculations. If the shop is using Ticket Zero, then the tip revenue is realized when the ticket is paid in full. If the shop is using cash, then the tip is realized at sale time.

Technical notes on Tips

  1. To facilitate the Tips function, there is an Inventory Style Code called TIP. It uses an Accounting Class and Inventory Category called TIP. It posts revenue to the "TIP REV" General Ledger (GL) account.
  2. When you take a tip, it adds a sale for TIP to the ticket. The sale is flagged as hidden on receipt, so it won't appear on the receipt.
  3. The TIP style code won't show on sales reports such as Sales by Vendor, or Sales by SA.
  4. A TIP is revenue realized using the accounting method selected for the store, ticket zero, cash, or pickup.