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How do I sale rental inventory

Tracked Items

There are three possible approaches available for selling rental tracked (those with Serial/Id numbers) inventory items to customers.

Manually, An inventory manager would locate the rental style and size, then the specific serial number and change it's status to SOLD, enter the current date as the Retired date and un-check the Available? checkbox indicating to the system that it cannot be assembled for future orders. Finally create a sales ticket to the customer entering the style and size of the item being sold.

Via the Sales Ticket, create a sales ticket for the customer purchasing the item. For TRACKED inventory enter the item's serial number for the Style/Sku code. WinTPS will locate the tracked item and automatically change it's status to SOLD, enter the current date as the Retired date and un-check the Available? checkbox indicating to the system that it cannot be assembled for future orders. The sale transaction can have a status of Taken (pickup now) or In (pickup later) or TRANSFER (for transferring from Service Center). IN or TRANSFER will required the item to be eventually marked as taken as soon as the customer takes delivery of the item.

For NON-TRACKED inventory enter the item's style & size. This will decrement the on-hand quantity in the SCW form and Rental sizes form. The sale transaction can have a status of Taken (pickup now) or In (pickup later) or Order (special ordered). In or Order will required the item to be eventually marked as taken as soon as the customer takes delivery of the item.

Hint Inventory->Rental->Rental Sizes. Allow Sale of Rental items? Checkbox' must be checked before rental items may be sold on sales tickets.

Multi-Store Implementation

Multi-store implementations offers an additional sale status since often times the rental inventory is located at a remote service center. The remote service center must be notified that the rental item sold must be 'transferred' to the requesting store. This is accomplished via the TRANSFER status applied to the sales transaction when it is being created.

a) Adds a Sale transaction to a ticket using the Rental Style and Size OR Serial/bar-code . For the status, request a TRANSFER IN. This will display a transfer form. On the transfer in the notes field put the customer name and any info that would be helpful when the service center reviews the transfer and it will also be printed on the printed form. b) The Service Center should check TRANSFER requests everyday. Print the Transfer form when they exists, pull the item(s) and attach/sign form to the actual items being transferred. c) Service Center performs the transfer by filling out the quantity shipped and method on the on-screen form. Scan the item's serial/bar-code number into the transfer form when the item is a TRACKED rental item. This will automatically mark it sold. make it un-available for rental and enter a retire date. d) Store should check for it's outgoing/incoming transfers each day. When the vans show up with a transfer they must receive it. This puts the item in that store's pickup inventory. Notify the customer and when picks up mark it taken on the ticket.

Special Ordered, create a sales ticket to the customer purchasing the item. For the style enter the item's style & size. The sale transaction must have a status of Special order. A PO will be generated by the store and given to the service center. A inventory manager will decide which specific TRACKED Serial/ID item will be delivered, change it's status to SOLD, enter the current date as the Retired date and un-check the Available? checkbox indicating to the system that it cannot be assembled for future orders. UNTRACKED items the inventory manager should decrement the on-hand quantity. The store should RECEIVE the PO when the item arrives which would automatically place the item in Pickup/Lay-away. The receive process can print an ID tag and it should be attached to the item, notify the customer and mark the item taken when delivered.

Non-Tracked Rental Items

Via the Sales Ticket, create a sales ticket for the customer purchasing the item.

Enter the Style & size and quantity being sold. This will decrement the on-hand quantity in the SCW form and Rental sizes form. The sale transaction can have a status of Taken (pickup now) or In (pickup later) or Order (special ordered). In or Order will required the item to be eventually marked as taken as soon as the customer takes delivery of the item.

Special Order status does NOT decrement on-hand quantities.