Prospect Overview

​ Prospects are tracked by ProfitSystem so the shop can keep track of prospective customers. By doing so, you will be able to accomplish effective follow-up and generate prospect/sales analysis reports to help you make decisions. ​ Prospects should be entered when they are well-qualified, which means they have interacted with the shop directly. This mean visiting the shop, or filling out 'More Info' form on the shop web site, for example. Lists of brides from trade shows are not w ell-qualified, as they have not shown direct interest in the shop.

Show only prospects who have not become customers?...Normally, this is checked so that ProfitSystem will only show you prospects who are still prospects. That is, prospects who have not become customers.

Appointments...Available with the optional Appointment management system is activated. This function will display the Appointment form and allow lookups and/or for new appointments to be created. When a appointment is created the appointment customer info will default to the prospect data (including notes)form where the appointment originated to save time.

Print/Email/SMS button...This button will display a dialog with various documents to print, as well as options for email and SMS. An existing SMS or email can be selected, or an SMS can be entered from scratch. Merge codes can be used and will be replaced with the correct values.

A worksheet can be printed that is useful as a briefing tool before meeting the prospect. ​ Create event button...You can create an event for this prospect by clicking this button. ProfitSystem will create the event and display the Event form in edit mode. If the event type is not specified on the prospect, the event type will auto default to Wedding. If the Link to Event field is filled in on the Details tab, then a new Event is not created. Instead, the prospect is linked to the existing event selected.

Delete...Deletes the highlighted prospect.

Add button...Create a new prospect using the Add Wizard.

Done...Exits the form.