Table Maintenance

​ This form allows you to restore corrupted data files. We also refer to this as “Rebuilding the index files” If you suspect that data files are corrupted, select this option. You will be prompted for further information.

Your files are corrupted when you request data, but the system displays the wrong data. Corruption of files may be caused by poor power conditions or other environmental conditions that may affect your computer. You can easily restore corrupted files to normal status with functions within Housekeeping. You might be attempting to select bride's sales tickets or attendants' sales tickets, for example, or attempting to locate prospects in your prospect file. If the information is not displayed, or the wrong information is displayed, your files may be corrupted. ​ Any time you suspect your files may be corrupted, you should use this form to correct them. ​ The file you are working in when you experience difficulties indicates which one of the restore routines you will need. If the Customer form is not working correctly, try Customer. If you are not sure, check All Tables. ​ You can perform Table Maintenance from any of the workstations, but it will run fastest on your server computer.

ALL OTHER WORKSTATIONS MUST BE EXITED OUT OF THE PROGRAM TO RUN THE REINDEXING. ADDITIONALLY, THE Communications Manager (CM) MUST BE SHUT DOWN AS WELL. ​ You can choose individual tables or check the All Tables box to re-index all the data files. ​ When you select to PACK the tables, this feature removes all deleted records from the selected table(s). ​ When the tables are selected click the Reindex button. ​ When this process is complete, you will return to the Housekeeping - Manager's Mode automatically.