What do I do when a Customer cancels their event and a Purchase Order has been ordered for the event

If you can cancel the order with the vendor, you need to remove the PO from ProfitSystem:

  1. Go to PO Maintenance, at Main->Housekeeping->View Purchase Orders.
  2. Locate the PO, and click the Un-issue button.
  3. Go to PO Item Maintenance, at Main->Housekeeping->View PO Items.
  4. Locate each purchase order item on the original PO.
  5. Click on the delete button to delete it.

If you cannot cancel the order, you'll need to receive the item into ProfitSystem as normal, then delete it from the pickup inventory and add it to retail inventory to sell it off.

  1. Go to PO Maintenance, at Main->Housekeeping->View Purchase Orders.
  2. Locate the PO to receive and click the Receive button. The Receive form is displayed.
  3. Check off the items to receive.
  4. Go to pickup inventory, at Main->Inventory->Pickup Inventory.
  5. Locate the items received.
  6. Click the delete button to delete the item in pickup inventory.
  7. Go to inventory and add the item.
  8. Repeat steps 5-7 for all the items received.