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Appointment Alerts Scripts


This is feature used to alert users whom create appointments of special information for a specified time frame and for a specified appointment type. Once an alert is created it will be automatically displayed when a user creates an appointment within the date range of the alert, for an appointment type that matches those set-up for the alert.


Description... A description of the alert.

Start date... The date this alert should begin appearing

End Date... The date this alert should stop appearing

Store ID... The storeid for which this alert should appear for. This is only active for multi-store installations.

Appointment Type Grid... Enter the appointment types this alert should appear for.

Grid Add Item.. Add an appointment type to the grid. A Blank Row will appear below any previously entered appointment types. Click into the blank row and a list of available appointment types will display. click the desire one and it will appear within the grid.

Grid Delete Item... Delete an appointment type from grid. Highlight row, then click DELETE to remove.


Script Button...This function allows a user to enter a detailed script for the displayed/selected Alert. This is the information tat will display to the user. ​ Delete Button...This deletes the selected Alert

Add Button...This feature allows an new Alert to be created

Done Button...This button exits the form

Save Button...This saves all modified data on the form.

Cancel Button...This feature reverts to the data prior to any changes.