How do I give a refund

A ticket must have a negative balance before you can give a refund, or the customer must have a store credit. To generate a refund if the ticket has a negative balance:

  1. Go to the ticket.
  2. The Refund should be enabled. Click the Refund button. The Payment form displays.
  3. Click the tender type for the refund.
  4. Enter the correct refund amount, or use the default.
  5. Enter the Sales Associate ID and click Save Refund.
  6. Click Next to save the refund. A receipt will print.

If the customer has a store credit:

  1. Go to the ticket.
  2. Click the Refund button. The Payment form displays.
  3. Click the Refund Store Credit button on the Payment form. An indicator appears saying that Refunds will be taken from Store Credit.
  4. Select the tender type for the refund, enter the amount of refund as a negative number, enter the clerks SA ID, and click Save Refund.
  5. Click Next to save the refund. A receipt will print.

If the customer was a Quick Sale and you do not know the ticket number:

  1. Use the Main ->Sale->Quick Sale function to create a new ticket.
  2. Sale the item being returned with a negative quantity, i.e. -1.
  3. The negative quantity sale will cause the ticket to have a negative balance.
  4. Choose Payment enter a positive payment in the tender type for the amount of refund. ProfitSystem© will convert the sign of the payment refund properly.

OR - preferred method

  1. Determine the style code of the item being returned.
  2. Use the Main ->Register functions->View Ticket by Style Code to find a ticket with the item being returned
  3. Adjust & cancel the item, this will generate a negative balance
  4. Choose Payment & REFUND the amount.