Special Order Instructions

The Special Order Instructions dialog is displayed when Special Order is selected for Sale Status. Instructions entered in the text box will be printed on the receipt and purchase order.

Private Instructions...Displays instructions that do not print on the purchase order. These are stored with the sale, but can only be viewed from the purchase order editing form.

Insert Styles...Inserts the rental styles entered on the customer form. Used for rental orders if the ProfitSystem does not have the Tuxedo Point of Sale module. The rental styles are inserted into the special instructions and will be printed on the PO which can be sent to the rental order supplier.

Insert Meas...Inserts the measurements from the customer card.

Insert Meas+Styles...Inserts the styles and measurements from the customer card.

Insert Suggested Size...Uses the bust, waist, and hip measurements from the customer and looks for a matching size in the size chart for the style sold. If the style sold doesn't have a size chart, or if the customer doesn't have bust, waist, and hip measurements entered then will not suggest a size.