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Physical Inventory Exceptions Report

and Main->Housekeeping->Inventory Setup->Physical Inventory->Exceptions
Menu: Setup->Retail Physical Inventory->Exceptions Report


This exception report shows where there may be potential problems in the physical count and should be used to reconcile the problems BEFORE applying (Updating) the retail inventory.

Any inventory items entered within Retail Inventory checked as 'Service/not inventoried?' will not be included on physical exception reports. Any inventory items classified as rental (with optional WinTPS module, will not be listed on this exception report. Use Rental Physical for performing counts of rental inventory. ​ The report includes several self explained columns. The last four columns definitions are:

Net Chg... (the difference of the original quantity on hand shown in inventory for the SCW item and the physical count. Example: Inventory SCW style was showing 1, the count was 3 so the net change was +2)
Bef Upd... The quantity on hand showing in inventory BEFORE the update.
Aft Upd... The quantity on hand showing in inventory AFTER the update.
Orig Frez.... The quantity on hand of the inventory SCW when the Start
New Physical (Inventory Freeze) was performed

This report contains 3 sections that indicates how a physical count will permanently modify the retail inventory.

Sizes zeroed because only style was scanned

It is possible that a user inputs the Inventory Style code instead of the SKU or Barcode or UPC code of the SCW item. The style code does not tell the computer the Size / Color of the item being counted and will result in an improper QOH of the Style listed. All report Qty columns = 0

Styles Listed in inventory NOT counted

This prints Retail Inventory SCW item(s) that were not counted, but the computer showed QOH.

This is an indication that items were missed during the count. The items can be added to the Physical count and the Inventory updated again or correct it manually within the retail inventory receiving history. A manual correction will not update the variance numbers. Qty column = ProfitSystem QOH for SCW item, Old/New Qty columns = (does not apply in this section)


This section will list all SCW inventory where the physical count does not equal the QOH number shown in ProfitSystem inventory. Qty column = is the variance + / - between the physical count and the ProfitSystem QOH, Old Qty = ProfitSystem QOH prior to applying count, New Qty = is the new QOH after applying physical count.


Limit report to this category...You can limit the report to a specific category, if you like. Leave blank for all categories. Utilizing the category option will allow for a partial store inventory to be performed. In other words, a physical of a specific category of items

Limit report to this sub-category...You can limit the report to a specific sub-category.

Leave blank for all sub-categories...This allows a sub-category to be counted vs the entire category. Example: Category - Wedding Dresses, Sub-Cat: Sheaths