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View Invoices

Action: AR

WinTPS wholesale feature. Will display the Invoice form showing all invoices. This form is comprised of a List - tab and Details - tab. Double clicking a invoice number on the List -tab will display the Detail tab with transactions that comprise the charges.


Search for... Enter the invoice number to locate within the grid.

Invoices with a balance due...If checked, only orders with a balance due are listed.

Terms... Select a set of terms to filter the list to invoices using those terms. Leave blank to show all invoices.


Detail - tab Buttons

View Ticket...Will display the ticket that contains the highlighted transaction for review or where the operator may make adjustments, i.e. increase/decrease the charge or to cancel the transaction.

View Order...Select a rental transaction first. This button will display the rental order that created the rental transaction.

Common Buttons

Re-Print Invoice...Will re-print the invoice of the selected invoice.

Print Statement...Will print a statement of open invoices for the account. The operator can enter a transaction cutoff date that will only include transactions with a date equal to or before the entered date.

Invoice Utilities...A menu appears with a set of functions that affect invoices. These should be used in specific situations under the direction of BBL support.

Link Line Items...Tickets contain the transactions that compose a invoice. All transaction on the same ticket should be assigned to the same invoice. In a circumstance where some ticket transactions appear on a different invoice number this utility will make all transactions the same invoice number. This utility insures all line items are on the same invoice by taking the invoice number assigned to the first ticket transaction and making the remaining transactions the same.

Link Ticket...Assign a selected ticket with it's transactions to the selected invoice.

Re-Calc Line Items...Recomputes the displayed invoice total.

Change Account... Assign the selected invoice to a different Store/Account. The ticket header and ticket line items are assigned the customer linked to the account.

Cancel...Exits and returns to the previous form.

Delete...Will delete the invoice & clear the invoice on the transactions that it was assigned to. The next time a new invoice is created for the store/account, the transactions will be included on the new invoice. The transactions may be adjusted by visiting the ticket that contains them.

Make Payment...Takes a payment for the account for the currently selected invoice. The total amount due for the account will be computed and used as the default payment amount. A payment can be made using a saved credit card, if one is saved for the account.

Make Adjustment...Prompts for an adjustment amount and adds to the selected invoice. It is actually added to the ticket for the selected line item.

Done...Exits and returns to the previous form.