What is a Store Credit

A store credit is money that the shop owes the customer. It is created when a negative balance is on the customer's sales ticket/ledger and the ticket is SAVED/EXITED with a negative balance showing. A message will appear explaining to the user the balance will be stored as a customer Store Credit.

Store credits are created when you cancel a paid sale and choose not to give the customer a refund. Or if you accept an advance payment prior to the customer purchasing anything. The money paid exceeding the customer's balance becomes a store credit when ticket is saved/exited. This customer store credit can be used for payment on any other purchases or customer tickets, or refunded to the customer (via the Ticket-> Refund button).

When a customer has a store credit balance it is shown/accessible on the Customer form and shown on the Ticket form. The credit may be modified by accessing the customer form and double clicking the Store Credit field. A user with proper security may modify the Credit balance. This edit is logged in the ProfitSystem logging system.

By default the Credit balance will print on the customer's receipt. There exists a System Setting to disable the printing on receipt System Setup-> Ticket/Receipt tab-> Hide 'Store Credit created' on receipt. When checked the credit does not appear on printed receipt.

When the customer is a member of an event the Store Credit may be applied to any other member ticket balance as a payment. System Setup-> General/Time clock Tab-> General Section-> Disable sharing store credits across events. When checked the store credit will not be available to other event members.