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Accessory Package Price Group Codes



Accessory Package price group codes are created on the Accessory price group form (this form) and Coat price group codes are created in the Coat price group form.

Once thecodes are created assign the codes to the appropriate inventory styles and link the Accessory code to Coat Package price codes. Assigning styles to codes may be accomplished from the accessory form or by visiting each style within Inventory and assign the package code on the rental tab. See Package Pricing for Rental Orders topic for operational features.


A accessory group code is linked to coat price group codes. A coat must be found on a rental order with a coat price group code assigned, before any price packages can be applied. Accessory Package price codes are assigned to Coat Package Price Codes on the Coat Package Price group form.

Accessory package price group form


Accessory Price group... This is the code for this specific group. Code names must be unique.

Wholesale... The default price to charge for store/accounts set to Pricing/Type of WHOLESALE. The rental order's pickup location determines the pricing used when store specific pricing is utilized.

Retail... The default price to charge for store/accounts set to Pricing/Type of RETAIL. The rental order's pickup location determines the pricing used when store specific pricing is utilized.

Accessory price Group GRID...See all the accessory price groups created. Use the Search For field to locate a accessory price group name within the grid. Select the desired accessory price group and the field data and data within the Store Pricing and Style grids apply to that coat price group.


Save... Saves any changes made to the data of a form.

Cancel... Throws away any changes made to the data of a form.

Delete... Deletes the current displayed data. Deleted data cannot be recalled. Cannot be selected while data changes are pending. Data changes must be SAVED or CANCELLED before.

Add... Adds a new set of information to the form. Cannot be selected while data changes are pending. Data changes must be SAVED or CANCELLED before.

Done... Exits the form and returns to the previous form or menu. Cannot be selected while data changes are pending. Data changes must be SAVED or CANCELLED before.

Store Pricing Grid


Store...The store/account location code that the entered store price applies to. Price... The price for the accessory package price code. The order's pickup location entered store/account code sets the price for the order.


Add Item... Adds a new line to the grid. Click into the cell and type in the desired information.

Delete Item...Deletes selected grid line item.

Styles Grid


Use F2 for lookup. Styles... Accessory package price groups must be assigned to styles. This can be accomplished from the Inventory-> Rental tab and also from this grid. Enter the Styles to assign this accessory price group to. When a inventory item is discontinued, it will not be listed in inventory style lookups for entry onto rental orders, however the style may be manually entered. Styles of multiple item types may be entered. Usually styles of the same item type is entered for simplicity. When utilized on a rental order each style linked to this code will be rented for the accessory price entered. Example, if a pant, shirt, vest & shoe was linked to a single accessory code and the price was set to $5, then each of the items would be priced to $5 each when the package price is applied.


Add Item... Adds a new line to the grid. Click into the cell and type in the desired rental style code.

Delete Item...Deletes selected grid line item.