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Revenue Report



This report is the daily accounting report of the store. It is broken down into several sections.

RECEIPTS section This shows the receipts by tender type (cash, checks, etc.) Incoming and outgoing (refunds) are shown ehere.

SECTIONS 1-5 This sections will show one line for each accounting class. The total on the line is the net change to the revenue for that accounting class. Usually this is a positive number. Loss of revenue (due to refund) is shown as a negative.

These sections will also contain totals for the partial payments received and released for ticket zero accounting.

TAX TOTAL SECTION Lists the totals for the tax rate(s) realized.

** TAXABLE SALES and NON-TAXABLE SALES** Sales are broken down by inventory category, into taxable and non-taxable sales.

The grand total of the Report should balance with the Receipts total of the report. If it does not, the difference is shown as Cash Over/Under. This could happen if you delete tickets or transactions from the Ticket form, or if you had data corruption due to power failure, hardware failure, etc. In normal conditions the revenue report should balance. Receipts to revenue + deposits/receivables + taxes.

TIPS COLLECTED If tipping is used, the tips collected are shown here.

DELETED TICKET LINE ITEMS If ticket line items have been delete, they will be listed here.

This report can be exported to an accounting application with the optional Accounting Integration module


Between xxx and yyy...Shows the revenue for the dates xxx through yyy, inclusive. You must enter a date range.

Show receipts only (checkbox) (current store only)...If checked, the report totals for the store assigned to the Workstation/Register printing the report (only a consideration when using the optional multi-store module) and includes only the top half with shows the receipts by tender type (cash, checks, etc.)

Show detail for each line on report (checkbox)...Displays the details of the GL transaction record and ticket line item that created each entry that make up the revenue report. You would only use this if you need very detailed information about how the revenue report is being calculated. Note that the revenue report will be quite long with this option checked.

Limit to store...Will only print transactions for the store selected. Only applicable to Multi-Store. If left blank it will print the transactions for all stores.

One report for each store?... Available with optional multistore option. Checked the report will include transactions chain wide (across all stores).

One report for each selected store?... Available with optional multistore option. Will print a separate revenue report for each store selected via the lookup button.


For Ticket Zero accounting, the receipts section on the revenue report would not necessarily match the partial payments section. In fact, in most cases it will not. ​ Scenario 1: Assume a simple sale of an item paid in full:

Sale of V50BVMFESTS for $500, tax $40
AMEX payment of $540

AMEX +540
Partial payment +540
Partial payment -540
Revenue + 500
Tax + 40

So in this case, the receipts is $540 and the partial payments is $0.

Scenario 2

An adjustment to a realized sale.

Ticket has a past sale of V50BVMFESTS for $500, tax $40
Past AMEX payment of $540

Today an adjustment is added for -$100 and a refund if $100 is given via AMEX

Revenue -100
AMEX -100
In this case as well, the receipts is -$100 and the partial payments is $0.

Matching Partial Payments to Customers with Balances Report

When using Ticket Zero accounting, the partial payments for a given day should match the net change of the Deposits column on the Customers with Balances Report run before any transactions on that day, as compared to the same report run after all transactions for that day.