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Transfer Manifests



Transfer manifests are used to group a set of Transfers together and then to ship and receive them as a group. You first create a manifest, then select transfer requests to add. ​ Individual transfers may be shipped or received, even if part of an manifest. Simply select a transfer within the manifest's grid and click the Show Transfer button. This will display the Inventory Transfer form and allow the operator to enter shipping or receiving details.


Transfer...This is the unique manifest ID automatically generated by ProfitSystem. The first part of the number is your store number (as set in Main->Housekeeping->General Setup->System/Store Setup->Setup Tab) followed by a sequence number. You cannot change this number.

Status...The status of the manifest:

PENDING: The manifest has been created, but not shipped.

SHIPPED: A Shipped by SA ID and quantity shipped has been entered indicating the manifest has been shipped from the From store.

RECEIVED: A Received by SA ID and quantity received has been entered indicating the manifest has been received at the To store.

CANCELLED: The manifest has been canceled.

Shipped by...The SA ID of the person who shipped this manifest. When the SA ID is entered, the status of the manifest is changed to Shipped. For each transfer on the manifest the qty shipped is set to the qty to transfer, and the Shipped by SA ID is set to be the same as the Shipped by on the transfer, and finally the status of the transfer is set to Shipped.

Received by...The SA ID of the person who received this manifest. When the SA ID is entered, the status of the manifest is changed to Received. For each transfer on the manifest the qty shipped is set to the qty to transfer, and the Received by SA ID is set to be the same as the Received by on the transfer, and finally the status of the transfer is set to Received.

Received by...The SA ID of the person who checked the all the items after receiving. No quantities or statuses change on entry of this ID.

Add to Manifest button...Displays a list of all transfers that are currently pending, that are going to the same store as the manifest. You select a transfer from the list and it is added to the list of transfers on this manifest.

Remove Selected button...Removes the selected transfer from this manifest.

Show Transfer button...Displays the details of the selected transfer.

Transfer on manifest grid...Shows all of the transfers on this manifest.

Print button...Prints the transfer manifest form.