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Inventory Rental Tab

Switchboard: Main->Rental Production->Inventory->Inventory->Rental Tab and Main->Housekeeping->Rental Setup->Inventory->Rental Tab
Menu: Rental Inventory->Rental tab->Rental Sizes button



The rental tab is available with the optional WinTPS and WinTPOS software rental modules. Any style entered into inventory may used as a rental and/or a retail inventory. However it is STRONGLY suggested that inventory used for RENTAL inventory should have a different style code than inventory used for RETAIL, even if the same inventory item is both used for retail and rental. It would be a best practice to set aside an a quantity for retail entered for the retail code then the quantity reserved for rental under the rental style code. This implementation is easier for your personnel to manage and to keep the quantities organized.


When necessary management can allow the retail sale of used rental inventory using the current Rental style code. Three inventory set-up actions must be in place to activate a style as a rental:

The inventory style can only have sizes entered within the SCW form (omit colors & widths).

Hint: The style code can represent a style & color combination. For example, say there exists a Blue Vest style 100. The style code entered into the inventory could be V100B and it’s sizes could be S, M, L, XL, XXL.

The rental tab must be completed with the minimum information,i.e. item type and base rental price

This step is only available/required with WinTPS Production Management module. The quantity available to rent must be entered. For tracked items (those that are being assigned ID/Serial numbers) the ID/Serial numbers for each item available for rental must be entered into the Rental SIZES form.


Item type...You must enter an item type for this style code. You can create your own item types using the Item Type form. Some item types are system defined and cannot be deleted. Style codes with item types can be used for rental orders.

Default catalog code...If this style code is normally sold as part of a package, create a catalog code for that package and enter the catalog code here. Then, when the user enters this style code on the order form WinTPS will automatically stop when the style is typed on to a order and suggest to the operator hat the catalog code may be used instead. The user may accept and the remaining styles of the catalog )if any) will be added to the order along with the catalog price OR reject it's use to continue entering each style manually.

Price group code... Assign a optional package price group code for this field. Assign a COAT Package price code to coat item types and an accessory package code to non-coat item types. Package pricing is assigned to Package Codes and provide flexible pricing options. The package price is displayed when a code is assigned and is the price that will be applied to a rental order when the item qualifies for package pricing. The Package discount codes with it's style contents is created via the Coat & Accessory Price Group forms.

Replacement cost...The cost to charge a customer if they lose the item. Replacement costs may be automatically applied to retail customers when items are not returned.

Size conversion for whole size...You can specify a size conversion that applies to sizes for this item created during order entry.. If you enter a size conversion chart name within this field, ProfitSystem® will take the size entered on the actual order and try to convert it as a whole. If you specify this conversion, you cannot specify a left/right conversion.

Size conv. for left of hyphen...ProfitSystem® will take the part of the size to the left of the hyphen and convert it using this size conversion. It will also convert the right side of the size (using Size conversion. for right of hyphen), and concatenate the results to create the converted size.

For example: 32-34 could become M4, if the left side conversion converts 32 to M, and the right side converts 34 to 4.

Size conv. for right of hyphen...The conversion for the right side of the size entry field on a order entry screen.

Swap sizes on conversion? (checkbox)...If checked, ProfitSystem® will take the results of the size conversion and swap them before concatenation.Example: 32-34 could become M4, if the left side conversion converts 32 to M, and the right side converts 34 to 4. With this option enabled the system would swap the two sides and the size would become 4M.

Total, YTD, MTD Revenue...The dollars earned for rentals of this style code. Total dollars refers to the total revenue from this item since it was entered into ProfitSystem®. The MTD and YTD counters are reset automatically by ProfitSystem® at the start of each month and year, respectively.

Total, YTD, MTD times used...The rental turns for this style code. Total times used refers to the total rentals from this item since it was entered into ProfitSystem®. The MTD and YTD counters are reset automatically by ProfitSystem® at the start of each month and year, respectively.

Rent Price w/coat...Display only. This calculated field takes the base price entered for the rental style and applies any specific stores pricing. It displays for the logged in store & displays the retail or wholesale price determined by the Price/Type f ield setting in the Stores/Accounts form.

Rental Price w/o coat...Display only. This calculated field takes the base prices entered for the rental style and applies any specific stores pricing. It displays for the logged in store & displays the retail or wholesale price determined by the Price/Type field setting in the Stores/Accounts form.

View / Change Base Prices...These four price fields appear when the View/Change Base Prices function button is clicked.

Rent price w/coat...The rental price for this item to a customer if on a rental order that includes a style that is a COAT item type OR if the style being edited is a Item Type of COAT.

Hint: The COAT item type is system defined and cannot be modified within the item type maintenance form. If modified the with w/ coat, w/o coat pricing will NOT work!

Rental price w/o coat... The rental price charged to a customer for this item if it is on a rental order that does not include a style that is a COAT item type. Is the PRICE of a coat when no other rental items are on the order (Coat only price).

Wholesale price w/coat... Available only for WinTPS Production Management installations with wholesale accounts. The rental price charged to a WHOLESALE account for this item if on a rental order that includes a style that is a COAT item type. If the item being edited is rental item of COAT, this field is the rental price for this item.

See Store/Accounts Maintenance form section for more information.

Wholesale price w/o coat... Available only for WinTPS Production Management installations with wholesale accounts. The rental price charged to a WHOLESALE account for this item if it is on a rental order that does not include a style that is a COAT item type.

Important Pricing Note: Rental Orders that contain only a COAT can utilize Coat Only pricing. Orders with only a Coat rental will use the price in the without (w/o) price field for the coat's rental price. When the order contains a coat and any other r ental item(s) the price field with (w/ ) Coat will be used for the coat rental price.


Rental Sizes button...Displays the Rental Sizes form for this style code. The Rental Sizes form shows the rental quantities and rental statistics for each rentable size. The form also allows deletions of Rental Sizes, be careful because a deletion will permanently remove all rental history for that size. In addition, items of tracked item types, will have the ID/Serial numbers listed for each rentable size.

Access to rental statistics for each ID/Serial number is available from the form. The entry of quantities and ID/Serial numbers is for the use of the WinTPS Production Management module only! Creating rental sizes is optional for WinTPOS ONLY! The “Allow any size on rentals” option in System/Store Setup - Rentals Tab must be checked when no sizes are identified as rentable. In this case, ProfitSystem® will allow any size to be entered on the Rental Order form.

Store Pricing button... Available with multistore or Wholesale optional software modules. This feature allows for each store/account to have different prices for the same rental style.

See Store Pricing for more information.

View/Change Base Prices...Displays and allows edits of the retail and wholesale pricing for the rental style. The user must have adequate security privileges to edit. Four fields appear.

Vendor Rental Styles...Displays the RENTLINK form to allow the rental style to be linked to a vendor rental style so it can be sent electronically to the vendor for sub-rentals.

Create Sizes from Chart button...This option is used to add inventory size scales quickly. It will create a size and a single receive history entry for every size in the size chart entered for this style. The QOH will be set to zero for the new sizes added. Click the Rental Sizes Button to add rental quantities OR Barcode/ID numbers for the new sizes. This function can be re-used when new sizes are added to a Size chart. It will only add the new sizes to the SCW & Rental Size forms.

Save...Save edits.

Cancel...Cancels / Discards edits.

Delete...Deletes the selected style and ALL associated information. CAUTION: Data is deleted and cannot be recalled.

Add...Add a new style.

Done...Exits this form and displays previous form.