Getting Started

BBL has provided some basic default information to speed setup. Please review & modify to fit your business needs. The first time Start-Up steps for WinTPS© Production Management are listed here:

  • Enter System General Set-Up data. WinTPS provides options to customize how some features work. Enter your preferences in the System Setup module.

Hint: WinTPS offers three types of Order Entry screen formats.

Free Format provides a BLANK order entry screen. The data entry operator will be able to enter rental items on a order in any combination. Multiple items of the same type are allowed on the order. To utilize this order entry method assign 00 to the line numbers of each Item Type and enable System Set-up->Rental Tab->'Allow additional Items to be added to fix format rental orders'.

Fixed Format allows the rental Item Types to be also used as prompts on the screen for the operator. A entry slot tagged by a item type only permits that type of item to be entered. This allows the owner to control the order in which items are entered and useful as a reminder of items omitted from the order. As a option, additional rental items can be added to the order in a free format method also. This allows multiple like item types to be added to the same order as multiple shirts or pants. To utilize this order entry method assign a number (01,02,03 ..etc) to the line numbers of each Item Type and disable System Set-up->Rental Tab->'Allow additional Items to be added to fix format rental orders'.

Mixed Format allows Item Types to be utilized as prompts on the order entry screen. After the last item type prompt operators may enter additional rental items in any order. Duplicate item types are allowed. To utilize this order entry method assign a number (01,02,03 ..etc) to each line numbers of the Item Type that will be used as prompts on the order entry screen. Assign 00 to those item types that should not display as prompts and enable System Set-up->Rental Tab->'Allow additional Items to be added to fix format rental orders'.

  • Enter rental Item Types. WinTPS and/or WinTPOS allows the owner to customize the types of items rented and their description. Review those included and modify as needed. This is accomplished in the Item Type maintenance module.
  • Enter non business days (optional), i.e. the days a location is closed. This allows for a more accurate reservation when the system knows what days the operation is closed and thus not able to ship or receive rentals.
  • Size Conversion charts (optional). This advanced feature allows operators to enter the actual customer measurements items rented. The system will automatically convert the measurements into a size to match the size code entered into the computer's inventory. For example a operator could enter pant measurements of 40 waist, 38 out-seam (40-38) and the computer could automatically convert it to a 40R. Without size conversion the operator would simply enter the item's actual size as it is entered within the inventory.
  • Inventory Item status. WinTPS allows for user defined inventory item statuses. These descriptive statuses will be given to inventory items by an operator from time to time and reported upon, REPAIR, DISPLAY, LOST are examples of inventory item statuses.
  • Create Size Charts for Rental items. WinTPS utilizes size charts to quickly create the size scales within rental inventory. The user should create the size chart for the type of item, i.e. coats, pants, shirtsOdd, shirteven, shirtexact ..etc, then when an inventory style is added, assign the proper size chart to it. Finally on the Inventory Rental Tab select Create Sizes from chart button to add the size scale to inventory from the chart.
  • Enter/Assign Rental Inventory Any style created within the inventory system may be selected as a rentable style. Once a style is selected as rentable, by assigning an item type to the item on the inventory Rental Tab, the manager must indicate the maximum quantity available to rent and enter the id numbers/bar-codes of the tracked rental inventory that will utilize them. Not all item types have to be tracked with a barcode. This is determined by the Item Types defined/set-up in an earlier step. BBL recommends that each rental item entered within the inventory be assigned a meaningful code, for example: LWCT001R. Which could translate to Lord West, Coat, their number 001, rental.
  • Create Default Shipping Methods. This is easy particularly when your primary shipping method is a Van, however in some cases there may be a need for UPS, Fedex & others. Once the default shipping methods & ship times are created in Rental System Set-up the system will allow for exceptions on a per store/account bases. When stores/accounts are created just indicate any differences in shipping methods and/or times within the store/account form.
  • Enter Stores/Accounts, remember to adjust Shipping Methods from the defaults if needed for each store's setting within the Stores maintenance.
  • Enter Suppliers for sub-renting. Accomplished within the Vendor File Maintenance module. This will allow a operator to assign a vendor to inventory being sub rented and lets operators know where to expect inventory to be delivered from and the amount of business being done with supplier.
  • Create Rental Order Types. Order types allow operators to classify the type of rental order being taken at order entry. These types are user defined and can be utilize to analyze the amount and type of rental business being won.
  • Create Catalog (as pictured) Codes and other Special pricing strategies (optional). These advanced features allow for faster data entry, but is not required for operation. ​ A catalog code lets the owner create a group of rental items (jacket, pants, tie and cummerbund, for example) under one code and to assign a package price to that code. A catalog code will be utilized by an operator at order entry to automatically fill the order with the styles & price previously entered with the catalog code as a means of FAST order entry.

Price Group package pricing may be created for groups of rental items. Package names are created with the discount rules & pricing of the package. A package group may be assigned to any rental item. This is an advanced feature & may be created at any future time.

Each individual store/account may have rental pricing that is different from other store/accounts. This alternate pricing may be on the item and is setup via the inventory forms. Alternate pricing may be at the catalog/as pictured price level and is set up from the catalog maintenance screen.

Hint: Discounts may be manually applied to rental orders at anytime on the rental order entry screen. Catalog codes/pricing, individual store pricing and package discounts are optional.

  • Existing orders should be entered starting with the earliest week. All new orders being placed should be input directly into the WinTPS/TPOS system while new orders are being entered in real time.