
Located on the File menu->Tools-> Backup option

ProfitSystem© includes a simple backup routine that will make a backup of your data tables and index tags. It does not backup the program files only the important data files since the program can be easily replaced.

ProfitSystem© will create a single compressed ZIP file that contains your data. The computer path where this file will be saved is set in System/Store Setup, located at Main->Housekeeping->General Setup->System/Store Setup->Other Settings Tab. If you are unfamiliar with computer paths you may need to solicit the support of a local IT support person. It is best to copy to a removable drive such as a USB memory stick or re writable DVD disk and take they drive/Disk from the store. It is best to have multiple copies of your data also, not to just overwrite a previous backup. An EXAMPLE path format would be: [DRIVE:][PATH]\, i.e. C:\BACKUP\ A path may be selected by clicking the magnifying icon and selecting the path from the appearing widget. ​ The Backup selection will suggest a filename of the current date, and will default to the path in System/Store Setup-> Other Settings tab. ​ Customers may consider using BBL's Titan Backup Service. This service is designed to provide a fast, easy & secure method for backing up all important data. The data is encrypted, sent to BBL via the internet and stored on BBL servers. Restoring the data is easy and it can be restored to any computer. Off site backup is the safest form of data recovery. Visit this link to purchase a subscription Click to Purchase

Other help topics discussing backups are:

How do I backup Off-Site Backup ​