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What if my system date does not match my accounting date

What if my system date does not match my accounting date

which indicates that the store was not manually or automatically closed at the end of the day.

As ProfitSystem starts, it compares the system date (the computer date) to the accounting date it stored the last time the shop was opened within ProfitSystem. A warning appears when these two dates are different. Typically these dates should be the same unless shop management is wanting to enter transactions for another day's business.

It's important that the store is opened for the correct accounting/business date each day. All transactions are date-stamped with the current accounting date, so if your shop's business date is set to any other date other than the current computer date, all transactions created while that business date is set will be stamped for that business date and appear on that date's revenue report. OR You may wish enter/create transactions for a date other than today's date

The Procedure

The procedure to change the business date depends upon how system is configured to open or close it's registers.

When ProfitSystem is set 'Auto Open/Close Store'

Shut down program, change computer's system date to the desired date then restart ProfitSystem.

When ProfitSystem is set to manually open/close store/register:

To change the business date to a date other than the current date,

  1. Go to each workstation and close the register.
  2. Exit from ProfitSystem (Main->Quit)
  3. Repeat steps 1-2.
  4. When you close the last register, ProfitSystem will tell you that the store has been closed.
  5. Exit from ProfitSystem.
  6. Launch ProfitSystem
  7. ProfitSystem will prompt you to open the register
  8. After you open the register, ProfitSystem will prompt you to open the store. Enter the correct business (accounting) date.

The user setting the date must have security access to the BDATEBACK (enabled for the user) action to set the business date to a date in the past.

Register Open/Close options are set via the General Store setup Options Tab.