How do I set up color charts

Go to Main->Inventory->Color Charts

  1. Click on ADD.
  2. Enter Color Chart Names - all chart names need to be unique and different for all vendor charts. Select the Vendor
  3. SAVE
  4. To add the colors, click on Add Color and enter the color name
  5. SAVE.
  6. For next color, click on Add Color, type in color name
  7. SAVE

Continue same procedure until all color names are complete. Color Hex codes are optional. These codes may be given by the designer. If not image programs like Adobe Photoshop can determine them with the eye dropper feature.

Changing/Deleting colors charts is common aspect of inventory maintenance. Some reuse color chart, by changing the chart colors and renaming and assigning to new styles.

We have some utilities in place to help. 1) Change Color chart Name. Go through charts and inventory and changes the old name to a new name. 2) Manual Update Inventory. allows you to enter a vendor and/or style and change the color chart names assigned to each style 3) Check Charts Inventory. Once new charts are assigned to inventory styles, this utility will check the chart names to those on the SCW entries for the style to insure the color names entered matches those in the chart and if not allows the user to change the SCW name to match.

All found in Housekeeping -> System Maint -> Inventory Maint System Setup -> Inventory maint