Picture Perfect

Picture Perfect is an online data warehouse that contains styles, size charts, color charts, and images from many lines for many vendors. Vendor participation in Picture Perfect is voluntary so the only data we have is the data given to us by vendors.

You can enable Picture Perfect by going to System Setup and on the General/Clock tab, check the 'Enable Picture Perfect style lookup?' option.

When entering a new style, you can use the Lookup button next to the vendor style field to search for a style. Enter the vendor style first, then click the lookup. If a match or matches is found in the Picture Perfect database, you will be able to select the correct style and all available data will be filled in automatically.

You can also bulk update images for a vendor or category. Choose Update Images from PP on the Inventory menu, or on the Inventory Maintenance switchboard. You can select a category, vendor, and also limit to a vendor style or season. If images are available, the styles in inventory will be updated.