How Are Rental Order Prices Computed

ProfitSystem computes the rental price for an order as follows.

It first totals all the rental prices for non-accessory items, using the rental price w/ coat or w/o coat, depending if there is a coat on the order. It then totals all the rental prices for accessory items (again using the price w/ coat or w/o coat).

In addition, accessory package pricing will apply additional discount (when in effect). It then finds the highest ranked price group code (based on the Ranking field for the price group) used on the rental order. If the total price of the accessories is greater than the maximum price for that price group, ProfitSystem creates a discount so that the total price of the accessories will equal the maximum price for that price group. If the price of the accessories is lower, ProfitSystem just uses the total accessories price.

It adds these two totals together to get the total rental price.

The system will apply any markdowns created on a event, if the order is to a event and the event has special pricing on the registration.