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Sales By Category Report


This report groups/totals sales by inventory category and sub-category. It is useful to see how the different types of items are selling, based on their grouping via the categories.

Dynamic View

This report output option displays the report results on-screen in a concise, summarized format. It displays one row for each inventory category with the sub-totals for that category. Clicking on that row then shows sub-rows for each sub-category. Finally, clicking on a sub-category displays the actual sales records for that category and sub-category.


Select transactions...Only sales that fall within the date range specified will print. You must enter a date range. The date range can mean one of two things, depending on your selection: * Sold between xxx and yyy: Print items that were sold between the dates specified, regardless of when (or if) the revenue has been realized. * Revenue realized between xxx and yyy: Only print items where the revenue has been realized within the date range specified. On the cash accounting method, these options are identical.

Limit to category...You can limit the report to a specific category, if you like. Leave blank for all categories.

Summary report only (checkbox)...This option will suppress the actual styles sold, and just show the totals for each category.

Only show items where the revenue has been realized?(checkbox)...This will only show items where the revenue has been realized during the date range specified. Show sub-Totals for each sub-category? (checkbox)...This will print a sub total for each category's sub category.

Department...You can limit the report to a specific department, if you like. Leave blank for all departments.

Sub-Total by dept? (checkbox)...Option will sub-total the report by department. Limit to stores...This option is available with the optional multi-store module. It will limit sales to the entered stores. Multiple store IDs may be entered separated by a comma.

Sub-Total by stores? (checkbox)...This option is available with the optional multi-store module. It will subtotal the sales by the entered store IDs.

Include rental transactions...If checked, the report will include rental transactions under the category RENTAL. RENTAL is a system defined category and cannot be directly used on retail inventory. This option is only available with WinTPS.

Show items...You can choose what types of sales to include: * Sold from Stock * Special Order * Stock and Special Order