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Inventory Overview

The Inventory list form displays the entire rental and retail inventory and provides tools for inventory maintenance.

BBL Picture Perfect will automatically add inventory details and images during inventory entry. Click Add, then enter the vendor style code. Picture Perfect will search for the vendor style code. If it's found, Picture Perfect will confirm the vendor and category and fill in the available style details and images.

If you wish to enable the Picture Perfect function, go to: Setup -> General Setup -> System Setup (comprehensive menu)Housekeeping -> General Setup -> System Setup (switchboard menu)

Click the 'General/Clock' tab at the top. Locate the box labeled 'Enable Picture Perfect style lookup', check the box, click Save, then exit and restart ProfitSystem on all stations.


Inventory contains all the style codes, sku, prices, costs, on hand quantities, locations, descriptions … etc of all items and services that a store will sale or rent.

The shop should input all items or services that will be rung up on customer tickets into inventory. This insures the ability to perform sales analysis and inventory control.

Inventory should contain services (like shoe dying or alteration charges). These items may be marked as a service and will not have a quantity on hand. When sold these items will be given a TAKEN status.

Inventory should also contain normally stocked items, samples, accessories and items that are not owned but can be special ordered or rented.

Style codes of items that are sold, but the store(s) does not have quantity on hand should still be in inventory. These items are shown with a zero quantity on hand. Add ALL items that you will attempt to sale through the sales ticket into inventory.

Inventory items may be created (ADDED) via the Inventory Forms, via the Sales Ticket Inventory Quick Add form when performing a SALE and via the Inventory Import function (normally used for new users when initially creating the inventory file).

In optional multi-store implementations, retail inventory quantity on hand can be seen for each store location for each style, size, color combination across all stores.

The Store Group feature allows inventory and Terminals / Registers, in multi-store implementations, to be registered to a GROUP. The only Terminals / Registers of the same inventory Store Group can see or sell that inventory.


Some stores may want to limit access to the data contained within these forms. Access is controlled by the INVUPDATE, RETLEDIT, RETLINV RENTINV, RENTSCW and RENTITEM, INVRENTEDIT security codes.

Users must be assigned a security group with security action INVUPDATE enabled to edit any inventory (does not allow for deletion). Disabled for a operator, allows the operator to view the inventory minus COST and other key information. INVUPDATE disabled, a user can access the Inventory-> Style and SCW forms but cannot see sensitive information as cost, nor are capable of making any modifications.

Security action INVDEL when enabled for an operator, allows the operator to delete any inventory item. Only owners and inventory managers should have deletion access.

The security action INVRENTEDIT allows operators access to rental tab for edits of rental item details.

Disable RENTINV to stop user access to the inventory->Rental Tab.. RENTSCW stops access to Rental sizes and RENTITEM stops access tor rental bar-code/serial id statistics forms.

NVRENTEDIT must also be enabled to edit the rental tab info.

The Inventory form is comprised of four tabs and two primary entry screens for size, color widths (SCW) sold and rented:

Tab Forms

  • List
  • Details
  • Statistics
  • Rental
  • Images
  • WebStore

SCW Entry Forms

  • SCW
  • Rental Sizes

Every inventory item is assigned a store style code (referred to as style code within the system).

The store style code can be automatically created by the program (defined with the setting “generate sequential style codes for new inventory” located at Main->Housekeeping->General Setup->System/Store Setup->Options Tab, System Setup - Options Tab) as a sequential number. Store management may choose instead to implement a coding system for assigning the ‘store style codes’ which would manually be entered for each new item. Both style code creation techniques may be interchanged, i.e. the sequential numbering could be enabled, but when a new style is created the sequential number could be replaced with a manually entered code.

Any style entered into inventory may used as a rental item with the option WinTPOS or WinTPS modules. However it is STRONGLY suggested that inventory used for RENTAL inventory should have a different style code than inventory used for RETAIL, even if the same inventory item is both used for retail and rental. It would be a best practice to set aside an a quantity for retail entered for the retail code then the quantity reserved for rental under the rental style code. This implementation is easier for your personnel to manage and to keep the quantities organized.

Note to DOS BPS users:

The ProfitSystem® store style code is different than the DOS BPS style code. In BPS, the style code identified a specific style and a specific size and color. In ProfitSystem®, the style code just identifies the style. The SCW Detail form is utilized to enter all size, colors and optionally width the style comes in.

Each inventory style is comprised of a minimum of three required data entry steps and three optional steps: 1) style code - required, 2) size/color/width (SCW) - required, 3) receive history - required, 4) store QOH from within the SCW form – optional feature, required when MultiStore module is installed, 5) Rental item type & price – optional feature required for rental styles when WinTPS or WinTPOS modules installed 6) Rental Sizes – optional feature, used when WinTPS is installed,


  1. (REQUIRED), is the style code is entered on the RETLINV form, along with all the information that is common to this style, regardless of size or color, such as vendor, reorder cost, description, etc. This form will show a QOH, this QOH is the grand total for all the sizes/colors this style comes in. The size, color and widths for a inventory item is entered on the inventory SCW form.
  2. (REQUIRED) is the SCW or size/color/width. Using the RETLSCW form, you enter each size/color/width that you carry for a style code. You can also enter a SKU or UPC code for the SCW. You cannot directly enter a QOH here, the QOH is computed automatically based on the receive history, explained below.
  3. (REQUIRED) is the receive history (RETLHIST form), which is a log that shows how many of each item your shop received, and when. As you sell inventory, ProfitSystem tracks how many of the items are left so it knows what your QOH is at all times.
  4. (available in the multi-stores optional software module) the store QOH (RETLSTOR form), which tracks the QOH at each store in a multi-store chain. This form is only visible if you have Multi-Store.
  5. Rental details (available with the optional WinTPS or WinTPOS rental software module) and is required for any style that will be used for rental orders. An item type and pricing must be entered. This feature only available with WinTPS or WinTPOS modules.
  6. RENTAL SIZE (RENTSCW form) (available with the optional WinTPS or WinTPOS rental software module) where operators would enter the rental ID/Serial numbers by size for each tracked style OR an available quantity by size for ‘non-tracked rent-able styles. This feature is required when the WinTPS module is installed.
  7. Images, import images of the inventory item.
  8. WebStore, where operators would enter the information needed for exporting the inventory item to the shop's online BigCommerce web store.


  • multistore on
  • ss store group on
  • Inv belongs to a group
  • stores belong to a group
  • filter on inv to see only your store's inv
  • only store that created a ticket can edit a ticket

Inventory Data Diagram

WinTPS Rental Note:

Inventory styles that will be rented cannot contain a color or width entry in the SCW Form.

In multistore installations, the rental inventory availability is maintained on a corporate basis, which is how most companies assembly rental orders, i.e. inventory is housed and orders assembled within a central production facility.

For example, this chart shows how a sample inventory might be broken down.

Style: ABC0100 Size: 10, Color: WHITE Received: 5 on 10/1/2001
Received: 2 on 8/2/2002
Style: ABC0100 Size: 11, Color: WHITE Received: 6 on 9/6/2001
Received: 3 on 9/4/2002
Received: 1 on 10/1/2002
Style: C100 Size: 44R
Qty 15 available to sale (items designated for rental may be sold, if management desires)
Received: 1 on 8/2/2000 Item type: Coat Rental $: $100 ID/Serial Numbers for 44
Qty 5 of the 15 owned are available to rent
Received: 5 on 1/7/2001 01000002
Received: 2 on 8/1/2001 01000003
Received: 5 on 10/1/2001 01000004
Received: 2 on 8/2/2002 01000005

To enter inventory the RETLINV form must completed with the style info, then the sizes/colors data for the item using the RETLSCW form, and finally at least one receive history entry for each size/color using the RETLHIST form. With a multi-store installation, the Quantity on hand (QOH) for each store using the RETLSTOR form must be entered.

Styles that will be rented will require the Rental detail on the Rental Tab to be completed (for WinTPS & WinTPOS modules) and the available rental quantities on the Rental Sizes (RENTSZ) form must be entered (for WinTPS module).

For any inventory to be created, specific supporting data must be completed prior:

  1. Set up your inventory categories
  2. Set up your accounting classes
  3. Set up your vendors
  4. Create size charts. Optional.
  5. Create color charts. Optional.
  6. Create Item Types. (WinTPS or WinTPOS)
  7. Create size conversion charts. (optional with WinTPS or WinTPOS)