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Payment Plan Form

Accessed from each customer's Ticket Form.

A button to right of transaction grid.

It shows the payment schedule for the payment plan, due dates, amounts and paid dates. The button will be highlighted in BLUE COLOR if a payment plan has been created for this ticket.

This is a 'free form' grid and the user can enter any dates and amounts with little validation.

The user should insure the data entered is correct and it should be reviewed with the customer when the information prints on the customer's receipt.

The payment plan does not automatically change when new sales or adjustments or cancellations are entered on the ticket. A store user must manually update payment terms when customer transactions are modified. An existing payment plan may be modified anytime by shop personnel.

Any payment plan due date/amount combination may b edited or manually deleted anytime.

Entered Payment Plans automatically print on the customer's receipt along with any Payment document terms created.

Payment Plan Grid

Due Date...The credit card will be charged on this date.
Amount...The amount charged to the credit card.
Paid...The date the amount was paid. This will be filled in automatically. If it is filled in manually, the payment will not be automatically charged. If the date is cleared from an existing payment, the payment will be re-charged.
Generate Pmt Plan...This option will create a payment plan automatically. It will prompt for a down payment percentage, the total number of payments, and the total term in days. The program will then compute a first payment based on the down payment %, and split the rest of the balance due over the total number of payments.
Add Item...Adds a blank row to the payment plan grid. Fill in the payment details in the blank row. The due date and amount are required. Delete Item...Delete the selected row in the payment plan grid.