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What is the fastest load of bulk Rental Inv

There are two steps in loading your rental inventory in bulk.

Create Styles

You must create/enter the Rental Styles & quantities into the system. Once you have decided your style numbers, determined the sizes you rent and the quantities of each owned, then add them to the inventory system via the standard Inventory form or for bulk loads via the Inventory Import form.

Do bulk loads one Style at a time. Accumulate the data, enter into the computer, save. then repeat for next style.

You add each rental style to the computer system via the Import Inventory screen accessed via these menu selections:

Housekeeping -> System Maintenance -> Import Data -> Inventory Import -> Manual Entry

Click each row to add information in that row. Each row can be the same style with different Sizes & Quantities OR different styles. We recommend you import one style at a time.
In the beginning, add a few styles then check the system's inventory to insure your data is imported as expected.

Housekeeping -> Inventory Setup -> Inventory

If your style is a bar-coded tracked style you can skip the step of adding all the sizes you rent, those can be added in bulk from step 2 described below. Enter the following Grid Column information for each Style.
Grid Columns ​ VendorID... The vendor code representing the vendor of where this style garment was obtained rental, max 10 characters Vendor Style... The actual style of the item, max 15 characters Category... Enter RENTAL as the category for all rental styles, max 10 characters Style... The store code representing this garment type, max 25 characters Reorder... Cost to replace one unit of this garment Price 1... Retail Replacement cost of of a single unit of this style, to be billed to customer in case of damage Item Type... The Type of rental style, BBL provides most common rental types, see options below, max 20 characters Description... A good description of style, example: Blake Black Notch, max 30 characters Size Chart...* The size chart for this Rental, BBL includes most common charts (options are below), max 10 characters

If style is a bar-coded track style you can skip the step of adding all the sizes, QOH & sample cost, those can be added in bulk from the Rental Serial Import function. If the style is NOT tracked via bar-codes then this information should be entered. ​ Size... A size available for renting, should be up to 4 characters , i.e. 44R, 08B
QOH... Quantity owned for the style's size Sample Cost... The cost of a unit of the garment owned (this is optional but many accountants want it in system to track inv. value

Rental Item Types
​ Rental Size Charts

For more detail on the sizes contain in each, click here. ADJ_PANT COAT EXACT/CONT FITALL FIX_PANT MENSHOE SHRTEVEN

Rental Serial Number Import

Sort & hang your garments by Style+Size on a rack. You will import by Rental STYLE & size, so there should be one bar-code import file for each style containing all the sizes and bar-codes for that style. There are 3 columns of data in the import file: SIZE, BARCODE, PO_NUMBER, UNIT_COST


SIZE... The size of item being scanned

BARCODE... The 8 or 10 digit bar-code. Click in this column & scan continuosly for each size being entered. Fill in SIZE column for scanned bar-codes once the scanning fo the size is done, then go to next size. Save the spreadsheet file frequently to avoid losing scans.

PO_NUMBER... The PO number bar-code was purchased on. Leave blank if unknown.

Please REMEMBER to backup your work frequently when importing large volumes of data via the ProfitSystems backup program utility (or via your computer's backup function).