Rental Inventory Process

The steps to perform a physical are as follows:

Start a new Physical, using the Rental Physical form, located at Main->Houskeeping->Rental Setup->Rental Physical->Physical Inventory (PHYSEDIT) click Add, Enter the Start and End dates, and optionally an Item type or Style.

Either scan and upload or manually enter the serial/control numbers of the items counted, via the Physical button located on the Physical Inventory (PHYSEDIT) form.

Allow the Physical to remain open long (enough time via the Start/End date range) enough for the OUT (not in warehouse) items to be returned. These items, as Returned, are added to the physical file automatically.

Run a Rental Inventory Report for any inventory items that will be considered part of a Physical, but will not be scanned/entered into the physical count due to some circumstance. Example, items may have a inventory item status of DISPLAY and are not in the warehouse & will not be returned during the Physical timeframe. The serial/ID numbers of these items must be entered into the physical count of the Physical. Otherwise the Update function will uncheck the Currently Available? setting and change the item status to LOST.

Run an Order Report for Picked Up orders. Select the pickup date range to include orders that will be out during the rental physical process. This will list all the items that will be out on orders and not returned before the end of the physical.
Any items on the report that will not be RETURNED during the Physical date range should be manually added to the physical count for that Physical. Otherwise the Update function will uncheck the Currently Available? setting and change the item status to LOST.

Run the Exception report for the Physical in progress. It will list ALL items not counted (not in the physical count file).. If more items are appearing than would be expected, check to make sure that parts of the inventory were not missed during scanning. Also insure that the physical has been open long enough for items to cycle back through production.

Run the Physical Listing report. It will show all items counted (contained in the physical count file). It is particularly useful to catch data entry mistakes. It will list barcodes/ID numbers as unknown if it can't find a match in the rental inventory.

Finally, use the Update Inventory (UPDRINV) form, located at Main->Housekeeping->Rental Setup->Rental Physical to actually update inventory. Select the Physical you want to apply and click OK.

This function will permanently update the rental inventory. It will un-check the Currently Available? setting (indicating the item cannot be rented) and make the item status LOST if it's barcode was not entered in the physical count file and the current setting for the inventory item is Currently Available for rental with NO STATUS entered. The function will NOT overwrite previously entered statuses.

If “Mark items found as available for rental?” is checked at the beginning of the Update function, then any items counted are currently unchecked as Currently Available? will be checked allowing them to be rented.