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BigCommerce Technical Details

The upload performs 4 steps for each product uploaded.

Upload vendor

It checks the Suppliers on BigCommerce to see if the vendor name for the style is in the list. If not, it is added to the Suppliers on BigCommerce. Note that it will use the vendor alt. name in ProfitSystem, if it is present.

Upload category

The upload gets the category used on the style to be uploaded to BigCommerce. It checks to see if this category already appears in Product Categories on BigCommerce. If not, it is uploaded to BigCommerce. For this Product Category, it then creates a Sub-Category using the Vendor name from the vendor for the style. Note that it will use the vendor alt. name in ProfitSystem, if it is present.

The categories are only uploaded to BigCommerce the first time a style is uploaded. After that, the categories at BigCommerce are left as is if the style is re-uploaded.

Upload Size and Color charts

It will upload the size charts and color chart referenced on the style to be uploaded. It will also upload the color chart referenced as the accent chart for the style, and color charts 3 and 4.

It uploads a separate copy of the size and color charts for each style.

It creates a BigCommerce Option for each size chart to be uploaded. The Option is named sc-[store style number] If there is a charge for Extra length, a BigCommerce Option is created for it. It is named el-[store style number]

A BigCommerce Option is created for the color chart to be uploaded. The Option is called c-[store style number] An accent chart Option is called ac-[store style number]. 3rd color chart is called 3-[store style number]. 4th is 4-[store style number]

If every entry in the color chart contains a color hex code, then the color chart is created as a swatch color selection on BigCommerce. If any color entries are missing color codes, it's created as a drop-down with the color names instead.

A BigCommrece Options is also created for stock sale items that lists the sizes and colors available for sale. These are the size/colors listed on the SCW where the QOH is greater than zero.

The Option is called scc-[vendor][vendor style].

So, up to seven Options can be created for a style.

A new BigCommerce Option Set is then created for each unique size chart, color chart, accent color chart, extra length, and stock sizes/colors option combination. The option set name is all the options name concatenated together. For example, if style 512 uses a size chart, color chart, accent color chart, and has an extra length charge on the size chart, the Option Set would be named as follows:

sc-512 el-512 c-512 ac-512

Upload Product

First, the product details are uploaded.

For Products sold as special orders * SKU is: Vendor name + vendor style * Name is: Vendor name + vendor style * Bin is 'Special order - style: [style code] vendor: [vendor name] * vend style [vendor style] * Price is retail price 1 * Search keywords are vendor name and vendor style * Availability description is: Vendor availability description * Availability is disabled if Sold via is Catalog only. * Meta Description: SEO description * Image description: SEO description

For products sold as stock orders * SKU is: Vendor name + vendor style * Name is: Vendor name + vendor style * Bin is 'Stock - style: [style code] vendor: [vendor name] vend * style [vendor style] size [size] color [color] width [width] * Price is retail price 1 * Search keywords are vendor name and vendor style * Availability description is: Vendor availability description * Inventory tracking is turned on and inventory level is QOH * Availability is disabled if Sold via is Catalog only. * Meta Description: SEO description * Image description: SEO description

The first five images for the style are uploaded and linked to the product. The images are only uploaded the first time a style is uploaded. After that, the existing images at BigCommerce are not changed.

Then, the extra length rule is created, if necessary.

Finally, rules are created for up-charges on sizes for the size chart.

The URL for BigCommerce product is always the vendor name plus vendor style. This is done so that web searches for that vendor and style will return that product. Additionally, the store style number and vendor style are inserted into the product description.

Finally, the merge code SizeColors, used in description, is replaced by the size and color for stock sales, and all sizes and colors in the charts for special orders. Again, this is done so web searches for specific styles and colors will locate the product.

The ProfitSystem can log all the detailed communications with BigCommerce. To enable detailed logging, create a file call restlog.txt in the ProfitSystem program install folder. The ProfitSystem will then create detailed log entries in the system log of type BCUPLOAD.

The system log can be found at Setup->System Maintenance->Log.