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Automation Triggers Reference

A new prospect is saved

When the Save button is pressed for a new Prospect.

Prospect type condition: Select a prospect type and the trigger will only occur for new prospects of that type. Leave blank and the trigger will occur for any new prospect.

Prospect source condition: Empty, all sources qualify. Select a prospect source and the trigger will only occur for new prospects form that source . Leave blank and the trigger will occur for any new prospect.

Prospect Type: Empty, all types qualify, otherwise only prospects matching the entered type qualified. Days after create: The trigger will fire this many day after creation, if it finds a prospect that is not yet a customer and has no appointments.

Prospect event date must be in the future, and the prospect cannot have a customer number conditions are always in effect. The related Action can target the Bride or Groom.

A new event is saved

When the Save button is pressed for new Event.

Event type condition: Select an event type and the trigger will only occur for new events of that type. Leave blank and the trigger will occur for any new event. The related Action can target the Bride or Groom.

Before or after an event date Triggered x number of days before or after an event date.

Event type condition: Select an event type and the trigger will only occur for new events of that type. Leave blank and the trigger will occur for any new event.

Days before event OR days after event condition: The number of days before/after the event date when this will trigger. For example, if it's 4 and the event date is 9/6/2016, it will trigger on 9/2/2016.

The related Action can target the Bride or Groom.

A prospect event date is approaching

Triggered x number of days before a prospect event date.

Prospect type condition: Select a prospect type and the trigger will only occur for prospects of that type. Leave blank and the trigger will occur for any prospect.

Days before prospect event condition: The number of days before the prospect event date when this will trigger. For example, if it's 4 and the prospect event date is 9/6/2016, it will trigger on 9/2/2016.

Prospect source condition: Select a prospect source and the trigger will only occur for prospects with that source. Leave blank and the trigger will occur for any prospect.

A new rental member is added to an event, before the order is created

Triggered or each new member added to the Register Members wizard from the Event form.

Event type condition: Select an event type and the trigger will only occur for new events of that type. Leave blank and the trigger will occur for any new event.

The related Action can target the Bride or Groom.

A new non-rental member is added to an event

Triggered for each person entered on the Member tab of an event, via the member grid.
This is not triggered if you add a member via the Add existing customer button.

Event type condition: Select an event type and the trigger will only occur for new events of that type. Leave blank and the trigger will occur for any new event.

The related Action can target the Bride or Groom, or Customer.

The Customer is the person added to the event.

Rental order created for an Event

When the Create Order button on the Rentals tab of the Event is clicked, or the New Event Order button on the Rentals tab is used and the New Event Order form is completed. It is also triggered if a rental order is created directly from the Rental order form, and an event is manually linked to the rental.

Event type condition: Select an event type and the trigger will only occur for new events of that type. Leave blank and the trigger will occur for any new event.

The related Action can target the Bride or Groom, or Customer. The Customer is the rental order added to the event.

Rental order is created without an event

Triggered if a rental order is created directly from the Rental order form, and no event is linked to the rental.

Role condition: Select an role and the trigger will only occur if the role on the rental matches. Leave it blank to trigger on all new rentals.

The related Action can target a Customer only. The Customer is the one with the rental order.

A rental order is received and ready for pickup

When the Check-In button is click on the Check-In to receive a rental order and make it ready for pickup. Or, if the order is assembled and the assemble to status is set to Received.

The related Action can target the Bride or Groom, or Customer.

The Customer is the one who has the rental order. The Bride and Groom only apply if the rental order is linked to an event.

A rental order is picked up

When the Pickup Orders form is used to mark a rental order as picked up.

The related Action can target the Bride or Groom, or Customer. The Customer is the one who has the rental order. The Bride and Groom only apply if the rental order is linked to an event.

A rental order is returned

A rental is returned via the Return by Orders, only triggered once all the line items are returned.

The related Action can target the Bride or Groom, or Customer.

The Customer is the one who has the rental order. The Bride and Groom only apply if the rental order is linked to an event.

A rental order is canceled

Triggered when a rental order is canceled by clicking the Cancel Order button the Rental Order form.

The related Action can target the Bride or Groom, or Customer. The Customer is the one who has the rental order. The Bride and Groom only apply if the rental order is linked to an event.

A rental order is exchanged

When the Exchange Item button is clicked on the Rental Order form this trigger is run.

The related Action can target the Bride or Groom, or Customer.

The Customer is the one who has the rental order. The Bride and Groom only apply if the rental order is linked to an event.

A rental order is overdue

Triggered when a rental order is overdue by the number of days specified as the condition. This is actually triggered from the Send Reminders form that is shown at start up. It scans all the rental orders and if the status is Picked Up and the return date is past by the number of days specified, the trigger fires.

The related Action can target the Bride or Groom, or Customer.

The Customer is the one who has the rental order. The Bride and Groom only apply if the rental order is linked to an event.

A rental order is missing sizes

Triggered when a rental order is status Missing Sizes. The condition is the age of the order. It's computed from the date the order was created. This is triggered from the Send Reminders form that is shown at start up.

The related Action can target the Bride or Groom, or Customer.

The Customer is the one who has the rental order. The Bride and Groom only apply if the rental order is linked to an event.

A rental order is confirmed

When the rental order is saved and the order status goes from Wait Confirm to Confirmed. Technically, all the line items must be Confirmed, and at least one line item must have just switched from Wait Confirm to Confirmed for this trigger to occur.

The related Action can target the Bride or Groom, or Customer.

The Customer is the one who has the rental order. The Bride and Groom only apply if the rental order is linked to an event.

An appointment is created

When a new appointment is saved this trigger is run. Appointment type condition: Select an appointment type and the trigger will only occur if the appointment type matches. If blank, it will run for any new appointment.

The related Action can target the Bride or Groom on the appointment

An appointment goes to Confirmed status

When the Appointment Confirmed button is clicked in the Appointment form, this trigger is run.

Appointment type condition: Select an appointment type and the trigger will only occur if the appointment type matches. The related Action can target the Bride or Groom on the appointment

An appointment is canceled

Clicking the Appointment Canceled button on the Appointment form will trigger this.

Appointment type condition: Select an appointment type and the trigger will only occur if the appointment type matches.

The related Action can target the Bride or Groom on the appointment

An appointment is complete

Clicking the Appointment Complete button on the Appointment form will trigger this.

Appointment type condition: Select an appointment type and the trigger will only occur if the appointment type matches.

The related Action can target the Bride or Groom on the appointment

An appointment is upcoming

Triggered if an appointment is status New or Confirmed, and it's the number of days before as specified by the condition. This is actually triggered from the Send Reminders form that is shown at start up.

Appointment type condition: Select an appointment type and the trigger will only occur if the appointment type matches.

Days before appointment condition: The number of days before the appointment date. The related Action can target the Bride or Groom on the appointment

A fitting marked Complete

Clicking the Item Complete button on a fitting will trigger this.

The related Action can target the Customer only. This is the customer who owns the fitting.

A sale is saved

When a ticket is saved after a new sale is added to the ticket.

Category condition: Only trigger on sales of styles in this category.

Event type condition: If the ticket is linked to an event, only trigger for this event type. If the ticket isn't linked to an event, and this is set, then the trigger will not run.

Role condition: If the ticket is linked to an event, only trigger if the customers role in the event matches. If the ticket isn't linked to an event, and this is set, then the trigger will not run.

Status condition: If specified, the sale status must match. The status can be Order, Taking (which is the same as Taken), or In.

The related Action can target the Customer only. This is the customer who was sold the item.

The first special order is created for an event member

When a ticket is saved after a new sale is added to the ticket, and the sale has status Order, and the sale is line 001, this will be triggered.

Event type condition: If the ticket is linked to an event, only trigger for this event type. If the ticket isn't linked to an event, and this is set, then the trigger will not run.

Role condition: If the ticket is linked to an event, only trigger if the customers role in the event matches. If the ticket isn't linked to an event, and this is set, then the trigger will not run.

A pickup inventory item gets a notified date

A pickup notification date is added or changed using the Pickup Notification form, or directly entered on the Pickup Inventory form. If the notification date is blanked, the trigger will not fire.

Category condition: Only trigger if the pickup item category matches.

A pickup inventory item gets a scheduled notified date

A scheduled notification date is added or changed using the Pickup Inventory form.

Category condition: Only trigger if the pickup item category matches.

If this trigger occurs, the current date will be inserted into the date notified on the pickup inventory item. The date is actually inserted when the action occurs via the CM program. So, if the trigger occurs on Monday but the CM program is not run until Tuesday, then the date notified will be Tuesday on the pickup inventory item. If the notification date is blanked, the trigger will not fire.

If both the scheduled notification trigger and the notified trigger are set up, and both dates are entered on a pickup inventory item, then only the scheduled notification trigger will fire.