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Purchase Order Search Form


The PO Search form provides the selection criteria for displaying information within the Purchase Order/Item Work form. The selection criteria can limit the information displayed to Issued Purchase Orders (Open POs), i.e. POs have been printed, but NOT received OR UN-Issued PO items, i.e. items to be ordered that are not on a PO yet by the user making the desire SHOW option. Simply check the Un-Issued PO Items or Issued POs checkbox to indicate which to display within the Show box.

The Show option selected has it's own Search form selection criteria. The search form will remove or add search criteria dependent upon which option is selected.

Selection Criteria

​ Show Box

Show...Select to see either un-issued PO items or issued purchase orders.

Sort Box

Sort...The work form can sort the results of your search in various ways. You can sort by event date, vendor, PO number, issue date, confirmation date, or event name. Not all options are available at all times. The available sorting options depend on whether you are showing PO items or purchase orders.

Date Box

Issued...Only POs that have been issued within this date range will be shown. You would typically enter a date range if you were checking for items that had been issued within a certain date range and have still not been received from the vendor. This option is only available if you have checked issued purchase orders.

Event...Only PO items for events within this date range will be shown. You would typically enter a date range since you don't want to see un-issued PO items for events still months away.

Confirm...Only purchase orders that have a confirmation date within this date range will be shown. You would typically enter a date range if you are checking to make sure that all items have been received from the vendors on the dates they confirmed. This option is only available if you have checked issued purchase orders.

Other Criteria

Limit to category...You can choose to only see PO items for a certain category. For example, you may have a category for bridesmaid dresses and another for wedding dresses. In this case, you can select the category for wedding dresses to just see those PO items.

Limit to vendor...You can choose to only see PO items for a certain vendor.

Limit to style code...You can choose to only see PO items for a certain store style code.

Vendor style code...You can choose to only see PO items for a certain vendor's style code.

Limit to store(s)... By default the store the Register is assigned to that is running the report will default. A user with VIEWSTORES security permission may change the store for the report.


Items ordered for an event will only display to stores that own the event, EVEN if the PO item was created at another store. The concept is that the store who created the event is ultimately responsible for managing the POs.

Show Special Order items (checkbox)...Check this to show special order PO items.

Show Stock Order items (checkbox)...Check this to also show stock PO items.

Show items w/Confirm dates (checkbox)...Check this to also show items that have been confirmed.

Show items w/o Confirm dates (checkbox)...Check this to also show items that have not been confirmed.


Update button...ProfitSystem will analyze your PO items and display the Purchase Order/Item Work form with the PO items based on your selections.

Cancel... Stop and return to previous form.