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SMS Voice Short Code

Action: N/A

The SMS Voice Short Code form is used to manage the short message templates. Short message templates are used to send text messages, voice messages, and short codes to customer, prosepct, appointments, etc. The email templates can contain merge codes, depending on the source. For example, and Appointment email might have a merge code for the appointment date/time. Email templates can be set up ahead of time and used as needed.

To create a new short message template: * Click the Add button * Select the correct source (customer, prospect, etc.) * Enter a description for the message. * Enter the message itself. * Click Send SMS Test or Send Voice Test to test the message.

To edit an existing template, select the template and click Edit Email.


For/source...See Sources for Templates for details on each source.
Description...The description is shown when you are prompted for a template to use.
Message..The actual text of the message to be sent. Merge codes can be inserted to the message.
Send SMS Test..Prompts for a phone number and sends the message to that number as an SMS, used for testing. This is only available with the ProfitSystem SMS Service.
Send Voice Test..Prompts for a phone number and sends the message to that number as a voice call, used for testing. This is only available with the ProfitSystem SMS Service.

Notes: SMS and short code messages of 140 characters or less have the highest deliverability percentage. 160 is the technical maximum characters of a SMS message before messages are broken into multiple messages for sending. When messages are segmented into multiple messages the deilverability percentage drops.

A comma in a voice message will add a short pause. These can be used if the message is read too quickly.