Rental Inventory Physical Overview

Rental Physical Overview

The Rental Physical Inventory forms are found on Housekeeping->Rental Setup->Rental Physical. ​ Every rental operation needs to perform a physical count of their inventory periodically to maintain accurate inventory quantities. These tools are designed for the counting of tracked rental inventory items (items with Serial/Barcode IDs). ​ ProfitSystem offers tools for performing a physical inventory count, reconciling the physical count prior to posting and then permanently posting the count to the inventory. ​ Rental physical counts are performed for the entire inventory, or a specific item type, or a specific style. In any case, only tracked items (those with barcodes/ID numbers) are counted thru the ProfitSystem Rental Physical tools.
​ A rental physical is normally performed over a period of days, while production operations are in progress. The inventory on-hand (in the warehouse) is counted manually. Then as items are assembled, returned, and returned from laundry they are automatically added to the physical count file by the system. A Physical should span several days, long enough for the inventory run a complete cycle, then closed and the tracked inventory permanently updated. ​ Rental items that do not appear in the physical count are marked as UNAVAILABLE for rental. If the inventory status of the item is empty ProfitSystem will also change the status description to LOST otherwise it will NOT alter the status description.

Some operators may place items on DISPLAY within stores. A few operators will mark these items as AVAILABLE for rental while others may mark them UNAVAILABLE. Operators whom mark them available must remember to count those items or ProfitSystem will mark them UNAVAILABLE during this physical process. ​ Optionally, via the Mark Found items to available for rental checkbox, items that do appear (i.e. Counted) in the physical count but may have been previously marked as unavailable for rental can be returned to use. Normally this option is checked (ENABLED) to make those items available when counted, for example, items that were previously marked LOST but are now counted will be marked IN & available for renting.

Care should be exercised to NOT count rental inventory items currently marked unavailable for rental in the system that should remain marked unavailable. For example RETIRED inventory items. Usually the status should remain RETIRED and remained marked UNAVAILABLE for rental. The solution is to not to count/scan those type of items. Items marked UNAVAILABLE for rental prior to the physical will not be altered when not counted/scanned during the physical.

Note: The rental physical update affects the statues of rental items and their rental availability. The physical update program will also force the Inventory SCW on hand quantity for a rental style to equal the rental availability quantity. The sync of the SCW quantity on hand to the renal availability count may be manually performed without performing a physical count via the Sync Rental Quantity with QOH function.

Proper counts are vital for value reporting and rental inventory reservation availability. The Rental Inventory Report prints a inventory value. This value is Quantity on Hand * Average Unit cost. This is why it is important to maintain accurate Quantity on hand counts and to enter invoice costs as new stock is received. Average unit cost is calculated for the SCW Receive form.

A Physical take must be set in the Rental Physical Inventory form. Multiple physical counts spanning multiple styles/items types may be in progress at the same time.

There are three different methods for performing the actual physical. 1 Manually entered

  1. A shop's employees manually counts each item, document the item's serial or control number on paper OR Start ProfitSystem, navigate to the Physical Inventory Form, Add a new Physical by entering the Start/End dates and the type, or style to be counted & click the Physical button. Now bring each garment to a terminal with a barcode scanner and scan the item.
  2. This step is required for a manually entered physical (no barcode readers used) Start ProfitSystem, navigate to the Physical Inventory Form, Create/Add a new Physical by entering the Start/End dates and the item type, or style to be counted & click the Physical button. Now the operator must key in each of the barcode numbers.
  3. Run Exception reports (Exception Report - Items in inventory not found in physical count) and then permanently post (Update function) counts to inventory.

2 Scanned via hand-held Portable Scanner

  1. A employee will walk around the business with a portable bar-code scanner. Each item's serial/control number is scanned.
  2. The Scanner is then attached to the appropriate PC and the serial/control numbers are automatically uploaded like being typed at a keyboard. This method is much faster and accurate than performing the count manually. However, this method does not validate the serial/control numbers scanned, meaning erroneous items can be introduced when barcodes do not scan properly. This bad data must be adjusted for when a test inventory posting is performed.
  3. Run Exception reports (Exception Report - Items in inventory not found in physical count) and then permanently post (Update function) counts to inventory.

3 Import

3) Import a serial number count from a ascii text file. Within the file each inventory items serial/barcode should appear on a separate line. Example 12345678 87654321 89898989 ... etc

  1. A employee counts the inventory by entering each item's serial/control number. With it inputted into a ASCII text file.
  2. Import the text file physical count into the system.
  3. Run Exception reports (Exception Report - Items in inventory not found in physical count) and then permanently post (Update function) counts to inventory.