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Appointments Form Details Tab

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The tab shows all the details of an appointment.

Fields Details Section

Appt with...The SA ID of the clerk who will meet with the customer. If you display the lookup form (by clicking the binoculars or pressing F2) the list if SA's will be filtered to show only the SA's who have the skills to perform the selected appointment type. You can check an option on the lookup form to display all SA's.

Resource...The resource used for the appointment. If the appointment is booked via resource, then an SA should be selected for the appointment when it is started. A resource does not have to be assigned to an appointment if it has an SA. The resource is optional in this case.

Type...The appointment type.

Starts...The date and time the appointments starts.

Duration...The duration in minutes. This may default based upon the appointment type definition.

Ends...The time the appointment ends.

Status...As an appointment is created, confirmed, and completed, it's status changes automatically. You don't normally need to manually change the status. You can tell at a glance what is happening with an appointment by looking at its status. The status can be one of the following: * New: This appointment has been created. * Confirmed: The customer has been contacted to confirm the appointment. You can press the Appointment Confirmed button on this form to set this status. * Cancelled: The customer has cancelled this appointment and has not rebooked it. You can press the Appointment Cancelled button on this form to set this status. You will be prompted to confirm that you are canceling the appointment. If the customer cancelled this appointment to rebook it at another time, click the Rebook button to set the appointment status to Rebook, and create a new appointment. * Waiting: The customer has arrived and is waiting for their appointment. You can press the Arrived and Waiting button on this form to set this status. * Started: The appointment has started and the customer is with the sales associate. You can press the Appointment Started button on this form to set this status. * Complete: The appointment is done. You can press the Appointment Completed button on this form to set this status. You can only complete appointments on the day they are scheduled. When you complete an appointment, ProfitSystem requires it to be linked to a customer or prospect. If the appointment is not already linked, ProfitSystem will prompt you for a phone number to search for a prospect to link it to, or to add a new prospect to link it to. * Walkout: The customer left while waiting for their appointment to start. You can press the Customer Walkout button on this form to set this status. * No-show: The customer never arrived for their appointment. This status is set automatically when you run the Process No-Show Appts (APPTNSHOW) option nightly, located at Main->Appointments->Process No-Show Appts.

Created by... The SA who created the appointment.

Bride Section

Primary Phone... Cell/Primary phone number entered for the person the appointment is with.

SMS Alerts?... Enter the person's cell phone number within the primary phone field and then choose the carrier within this field. The presence of a carrier indicates that it is OK to send SMS/Text messages to the customer's cell phone. With many cell carriers this service is an additional fee paid by the customer.

First... First name of person the appointment is with.

Last... Last name of person the appointment is with. A last name is required to save the appointment. This last name OR the groom's last name must be entered.

Address, phone #s... Additional optional contact info for person appointment is being made for.

Zip code...If you enter the zip code before the city and state, ProfitSystem will check to see if that zip code has been entered before. If so, ProfitSystem will insert the correct city and state automatically.

Event date... Date of the event (wedding or social)

Walkin (checkbox)... Checked when this appointment is created via the walk-in appointment button.

Customer source...The customer source represents an activity (advertising) (i.e., yellow pages, word of mouth, etc.) that caused the customer to visit your shop. By using this code, you will be able to generate analysis reports that will provide information indicating your most powerful form of advertising. You can define your sources using Main->Housekeeping->General Setup->Customer

E-mail...The customers email address. You can double-click to create a new email message.

Notes button...You can enter any notes for the appointment here.

Un-sub from emails...Enter a date here to stop this user from receiving automation emails. This will not stop an email sent manually from the appointment form.

Groom Section

Primary phone... Phone number for a groom (optional).

SMS Alerts?... Enter the person's cell phone number within the primary phone field and then choose the carrier within this field. The presence of a carrier indicates that it is OK to send SMS/Text messages to the customer's cell phone. With many cell carriers this service is an additional fee paid by the customer.

Groom First... Groom's first name.

Groom Last... Groom's last name.

Alternate phone, Work phone, email... Additional optional contact info for the groom.

Un-sub from emails...Enter a date here to stop this user from receiving automation emails. This will not stop an email sent manually from the appointment form.

Bottom Section

Create Ticket... This will automatically create a customer for the appointment, and then start a new sales ticket for the customer. It is used to take a payment for the appointment.

First, create a category called APPOINT and then edit the APPIOINT accounting class to allow price changes and the user can set the price at sale time.

Finally, create a store style code in inventory called "APPOINTMENT" with a single size NA. Set the category and accounting class to APPOINT, and then that style will be automatically added to the new ticket. Set the "Service/not inventoried" checkbox, and set the price of this style to the price for an appointment.

Script button...Displays the script from the appointment type.

Comment... Short notes for the appointment. For longer note details use the NOTES button.

Location...The location of the appointment.

Misc 1-4... Area for optional fields of data to collect when making an appointment and are defined by the Appointment Type.