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Return Sub Rentals

Action: SUBRET

Sub-rentals are rental items that have been ordered from suppliers and used to produce rental orders. WinTPS can track the shipments of these items back to the suppliers. This is usually done so a audit/paper trail is available as to the return ship dates, tracking numbers, etc.

Items are returned in a batch to a selected vendor.

To review the items that have been returned to a vendor, go to the Vendors form (located at Main->Housekeeping->Inventory Setup->Vendors->Detail Tab. Click the Sub-Rental Returns button to view the list of serial/control numbers sent back. ​ A packing slip can optionally be printed as items are returned. The packing slip can be enabled on the Rental Production tab of the System/Store Setup form, Print sub-rental return packing slip?

When the optional Shipping Integration is enabled, WinTPS will display the shipping label pre-filled with the destination vendor address information. If both UPS and FedEx are active, WinTPS will prompt for the carrier to use. Otherwise it wi ll default to the only carrier. Fill in the package weight and the UPS/FedEx shipping label will be automatically printed. The tracking number will automatically be transferred back to the shipping record. ​


Vendor....The vendor that items are being returned to.

Clerk...The SA whose is actually returning the items.

Serial number...Enter or scan the serial/control number of the item to be returned. The item is added to the list and the field is cleared for entry of the next serial/control.

Remove from List button...Removes the currently selected serial/control number from the list.

Return button...Actually marks all the items as returned. WinTPS prompts for an optional tracking number, then clears the list, ready for the next set of items to be returned.