INI files Menu: Setup->System Maintenance->Edit INI files Action: none

TPWWINS.IN is an ASCII text file that offers unique system settings that affects the operation of ProfitSystem©. The file is editable from within Housekeeping-> System Maintenance-> Edit INI files menu option or from any system text editor. Some entries, as data path and station name, are automatically placed in the TPSWIN.INI file by ProfitSystem© when it is installed. These entries may be modified and others added.

Note Any system operational options, such as default printers and others found in System Setup may be entered and will override any of the same options set with the ProfitSystem software. Contact BBL for additional information system settings override.

The TPSWIN.INI file is found in the local workstation's profitsystem data folder. Each PC/Workstation has a local data folder for error logs and the INI configuration file (even if the shared program/customer data is located on another computer). Please refer to the Installing ProfitSystem topic for folder locations. You may view data, the INI and temporary file folder locations by visiting housekeeping-> System Maintenance-> Program Status.

Note In a multi-user peer to peer network each user will have their own INI configuration file which may be customized for that specific workstation. In a Terminal Services with an Application Server setup, each user shares an INI configuration file. However, a workstation may have it's own INI configuration file by passing it's custom file to the program as a parameter when it started for that user. An example would be: TW.EXE INI=F:\PROGRAM FILES\THISWS.INI (include path to INI file location).

Available TPSWINW.INI commands are:

DataPath=[path], i.e. DataPath=C:\TPSWINS\LIVEDATA      It is the Location of the ProfitSystem data files.  Should
have a trailing slash /

MaxForeground=[x]. i.e. MaxForeground=16000000

MaxBackground=[x], i.e. MaxBackground=16000000
MaxForeground and MaxBackground makes it possible for you to optimize ProfitSystem© performance
by adjusting the amount of memory ProfitSystem©
allocates for the foreground and background buffers. The foreground
memory buffer is the memory available to ProfitSystem©
when it is operating in the foreground as the currently active application.
The background memory buffer is the memory available to ProfitSystem© when it is operating in the
background when another application is the foreground application.
 [x] is set to the maximum buffer memory size in bytes.

StationName=[name], i.e. StationName=FRONTDESK
 Sets the station name for ProfitSystem to use.  The name must
appear in the Register Setup form. (REGSETP)   For terminal
services the [name] should be set to %USERNAME.

Background=[bmp file], i.e. Background=C:\TPSWINS\LIVEDATA\LOGO.BMP
  Specifies the path and filename of a Windows BMP format
file to be displayed behind the main ProfitSystem switchboard.

TempPath=[path], i.e. TempPath=C:\TEMP       Specifies the path for temporary files.  This
setting has been superseded by the Temporary path on the Register
Setup form.

a special mode of ProfitSystem©
that corrects an application hang during ProfitSystem©
shutdown when running on certain Windows XP Professional workstations.

NoCalendar=YES, i.e.  Disables
the automatic display of the calendar on the Add Appointments form.

ICDiag=YES   Enables logging
of communications between IC Verify and ProfitSystem©
during credit card processing.  ProfitSystemwill create icdiagr.txt
and icdiaga.txt, containing the request and response messages.

ICVConfirm=[codes], i.e. ICVConfirm=BVK
   Allows ICVerify to interpret additional codes as
success during credit card processing. By default, only a Y indicates
success.  By using this entry, any one of [codes] indicates success.

LogCharges=YES, writes an entry
into LOG.DBF (ProfitSystem Log file) reviewable from Housekeeping-> General
Setup-> Log, key =LOGCHARGE.  The command writes REQUEST file
and RESPONSE and credit card swipe information.  This is used
to analyze the process to uncover errors.  A User may key-press
SHIFT+F10 on credit card screen to LOG that one charge for diagnoses.

Rainbow=YES,  ProfitSystem uses random
colors for form backgrounds.

LongReportWarn=YES, ProfitSystem displays
a confirmation message before printing very long reports.

DisableShipping=YES, Disables the
Customer Shipping functions.

NoLinks=YES, Disables the web links
within ProfitSystem©.
 On Housekeeping, the Order Supplies, BBL Systems web site, and
Check for Upgrades.  On the menu, the Unlock Options, Backup,
Check for Upgrades, and Update License.

DestroyShiprush=YES,   Creates
and destroys the reference to ShipRush as needed.  If not present,
the same instance of ShipRush is used over and over again.

QOHReason=YES, This setting will
instruct ProfitSystem©
to prompt for a SA ID and a reason each time the QOH is changed directly
via the Receive History or Stores QOH form.  To review the log
entries for manual changes, visit Housekeeping->General

This setting will not use the day of the week within the name of  printer
for the printing of Picking Tickets

NoZeroPostings=YES  ProfitSystem© will be forced to not make
any Ticket postings for zero dollar amounts, nor will it post any
revenue or tax postings at zero dollar amounts.

NoTicketTheme=YES, will correct
intermittent Windows XP SP2 themes where ProfitSystem©
will have display refresh problems.  Try this setting when display
issues are being experienced.

PromptTagQty=YES, Always prompt
for number of retail tags to print from SCW form

Faxprinter=\xxxxxxxx\xxxxx, example
XSHOPTS\BBL, forces the fax device to the name entered in this setting.
 See the topic, 'How
do I fax receipts in ProfitSystem' for more info.

BitMap=OFF, Helps control screen
painting issues found in some system installations.

NoInvoiceAtShipTime=YES,  NoInvoiceAtShipTime=YES
means never print an invoice at ship time for wholesale type accounts
on COD.  This is utilized for Wholesale type accounts on COD
terms or other wholesale accounts that are pushed to COD because they
exceeded their credit limit.

ReqFileName=USER1,  Setting
created for PC Charge installations on a standalone PC or peer to
peer PC network.  In this config each PC has it's own TPSWIN.INI
file and this setting overrides the standard naming convention for
Payment request files made to PCCharge from ProfitSystem.  Typically
the request name is STAXX (where XX is the station number entered
in the Register form).  PCCharge is shipped with a standard user
called USER1, which cannot be modified.  This setting controls
the request file name for each PC that the setting exist within it's
INI file.  For those PC/Workstations without this INI setting
the ProfitSystem default naming convention will apply.

ShipRush is updated frequently and will issue a new version number,
i.e. version 3 or 4 or 6 ..etc.  ProfitSystemshould be set to use
the proper ShipRush version, i.e. SR6.   This is accomplished
with this INI setting.

Will log all SMTP communications to the specified [filename].  This
is used to debug SMTP email problems.

ForceShutdown=YES.  Will allow
the Force ProfitSystem exit option in the data manager to work.  If
this setting is not present, then Force ProfitSystem exit in Data manager
has no effect.

PrintResvReceipt=YES. Auto print the reservation receipt after printing the regular receipt.

StyleQuickFill=NO.  This will
disable the style auto-complete on the ticket form.  Normally,
as you type a style code, the program will locate the closest match
and auto-complete the style code once you've typed enough characters
to identify it.  However, if you have SKU codes that are similar
to style codes, the program will sometimes auto-complete the SKU instead
of the style and vice-versa.  This option will disable the auto-complete

NoTotalPages=YES  This can correct problems when printing receipts where errors occur during receipt printing.   It stops the program from printing a hidden test copy of the receipt to count the number of receipt pages.

ResourceDisplay=YES  Enables resource displays such as LCD tablets mounted over dressing rooms to display dressing room statuses.

IPCProdURL1=    This forces ProfitSystem to use the older TLS v 1.0/1 compatible Payware url for processing credit cards.
IPCBillURL1= .  This forces recurring billing like Appointments and Events to use older security standards, not use the TLS1.2 url
DLID=YES  When adding customers, events, and event orders, it will assume the number entered is a drivers license number instead of phone number when performing searches and pre-populating fields
TaxCutoff=100.00   For special tax rates (such as NEWYORK, MASSTAX, etc.) this changes the default cutoff amount. See Taxes.

F - Adds a Fast Sale transaction capability to a customer's online ticket to allow for very quick stock sales entries.
P - Enable Picture Perfect integration

Program Switches

A switch a program parameter that my be included on the command line when the program is executed that will instruct the program to start in a special way. ProfitSystem offers two switches that mat be utilized. TW.EXE XXXXX, where XXXXX is the switch and this examples illustrates how to use it.

SSWEB: Start ProfitSystem in the customer service self service web site building mode. This auto creates the pages of the customer service web site. DM: Starts ProfitSystem in data manager mode which will display a menu of all the system utilities

General Press Shift F11 to put the program in development mode. This is a special operation mode with ALL reports/tags are displayed to the screen instead of printing and additional diagnostic information is display in specific function modules. DO NOT use this for normal program operation.