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Profitsystem Data Import


For multi-store implementations.

This utility is used to merge one copy of ProfitSystem data into another. It would be used to move from two separate ProfitSystem installations to a single multi-store installation. There should always be a current backup copy of the data before performing a merge.

  • Make sure all stores data files are on the same version of the ProfitSystem.
  • Pick one store as the base set of data.
  • Make sure multi-store is turned on for that base set of data.
  • Add all the stores to be merged into the base set of data by creating store records and taxes.
  • Run the program using the base set of data, and use the Import ProfitSystem data form to import data from other data folders into the base data.
  • The Import ProfitSystem data form has the following options.

The process merges the following data: * Retail/Rental Inventory is imported and merged by matching vendors and vendor styles as explained below * Customers are imported and the sequence numbers are prefixed with the incoming store ID * Events are imported and the sequence numbers are prefixed with the incoming store ID * Tickets are imported and the sequence numbers are prefixed with the incoming store ID * Prospects,Prospect Interests are imported and the sequence numbers are prefixed with the incoming store ID * Pickup Inventory is imported and the sequence numbers are prefixed with the incoming store ID * Purchase Orders are merged and not duplicated * Inventory Categories are merged and not duplicated * Accounting Classes are merged and not duplicated * Vendors are merged and not duplicated

It is possible (and likely) that styles in the imported inventory will match styles already in the existing inventory. It’s also possible that imported styles will use different store style codes. ProfitSystem addresses this by merging the styles based on the vendor number and vendor style. If the vendor number and vendor style in the imported inventory matches one in the existing inventory, the sizes and receive history will be merged into the existing style. If the vendor and vendor style are not found in the existing inventory, the style will be added to the existing inventory.

For this reason it is vital that the vendor numbers and vendor styles are consistent between the two copies of ProfitSystem data to be merged. Review the vendor numbers in both copies of ProfitSystem to make sure the vendor numbers are consistent. If changes need to be made, use Main->Housekeeping->Inventory Setup->Inventory Maintenance->Change Vend/Vend Style to change the vendors/vendor styles in the import data.

ProfitSystem will first prompt for the location of the data to be imported. This import data will be merged into the data ProfitSystem is currently using.

ProfitSystem performs the following actions:

First, ProfitSystem makes a temporary copy of the import data. This can take a few minutes, depending on the size of the data files.

Next, ProfitSystem analyzes the data to identify vendor/vendor styles that appear in the import data but do not appear in the existing data. These are the styles that will be created in the existing data. If any are found, ProfitSystem displays and message and asks if the import should continue. At this point, a report can be printed of the vendor/vendor styles that will be created. This report should be reviewed to insure that these are indeed styles the appeared in the import data, but not in the existing data. If they actually do appear in the existing data, change the vendor/vendor style codes in the import data before retrying the import.

ProfitSystem then imports the inventory, merging styles that already exist and creating new styles.

ProfitSystem imports the customer, events, tickets, pickup inventory, purchase orders, prospects, inventory categories, and accounting classes. The sequence numbers for each imported item are automatically prefixed with the imported store ID to insure that they are unique.

Finally, ProfitSystem displays a report at the end of the merge process. This report documents any exceptions that occurred during the merge process. This report should be reviewed and any appropriate actions taken.

A message is displayed when the merge process is completed. The data files should be reviewed to insure the data merge process was successful.