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Customer with Balances

Comprehensive Menu: Reports->Customer/Event/Pros Reports->Customer Balances Report
Switchboard Menu: Reports->Customer/Event/Pros Reports->Customer Balances Report


Customers with balances is a management report showing customer balances and deposits (for revenue accounting of ticket zero or pickup). This report is dynamic and changes on each day of business.

Note: The report is a snapshot of customer sales/payment activity and is 100% accurate for current day or future date report. Past dates the report will ESTIMATE as to the activity for each customer and IS NOT 100% accurate. As such it is a great idea to run this report on your year-end for archiving.

Only Customers having tickets with a balance will be included in the report. Additionally, only tickets that have had activity within one year of the cutoff date entered are including in the report.


Customer Name: full name of customer. Last name then first name.

Ticket Number: the ticket number/id

Last Purchase Date: Date of the last sales transaction entered on the ticket

Last Payment date: Date of the last payment

Deposits (this column appears only when utilizing the Ticket Zero or Pickup Accounting Methods): This is the current Deposits Held on the ticket as of the moment the report is ran. Once sales are paid for in full, any Deposits Held will be released, and will disappear from this column. However, if new Sales are added to the Sales Ticket and new Payments are made, the Deposits will go back to a positive number (indicating new Held Deposits), provided the Payments added do not pay for the new Sales in full. And of course, if ALL sales are paid for in full on the Sales Ticket (leaving the Sales Ticket with a zero balance), then the Customer will not appear on this report in the first place.

Payments (this column appears only when utilizing the Cash Accounting Method): This is the total dollar amount of any and all Payments that have been made on the Customer's Sales Ticket Balance: The current balance of the ticket

% paid: The percentage of ticket paid


Balance due of (date): The cut off date for all ticket transactions. Any transactions placed on a ticket after the entered will not be included on the report.