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Appointment Result Statistics


This report shows how the total appointments each sales associate has had by appointment status. All appointments occurring on a date within the range entered on the Filter options form will be counted no matter the status. This includes Appointments with CONFIRMED or NEW statuses are also included in the Total appointment count found on the report.

It shows how many of those appointments resulted in sales. A sales is counted when the appointment is linked to a prospect, then prospect to a customer and customer to a ticket with a sale. The sale must be on the same day as the appointment. A sale may also be counted when the appointment is linked to a customer and customer linked to a ticket with a sale taken on the same day as the appointment.

Also listed is the dollar value of the appointments that resulted in sales.

Note: The sales are not UNIQIUE appointment sales. Example, a customer makes three appointments and purchases some item from each appointment. The report would count the three appointments and count three appointments resulting in sales. The dollar value would be the total of the sales made on the same day as each appointment.


Limit to sales associate...Only print appointments for the selected sales associate SA.

Appointments between...Only show appointments that occurred between the dates specified.

Department: Sales Associates may be assigned to departments. Select a department to view all SA appointments assigned to the department.

Limit to store(s): For multi-store installations, the report will count create appointment statistics for each store selected.