InstaRetail Upload

​ The InstaRetail Upload creates an ecommerce inventory export file, compatible with InstaRetail. All styles with Sold Via set to Web only or In store+web will be included.

The file is utilized by InstaRetail to sync a store's inventory quantity on hand to the eCommerce SKUs, thus letting site visitors know merchandise that is in stock and available for immediate purchase.

The file is comma-delimited text, with columns as follows:

vendor name, vendor style, size, color 1, QOH, vendor code, all colors 1-4, and store style code.

The color 1 column is filled as follows: ​ If the style in question as a color chart and the actual inventory color appears in the color chart and the code field in the color chart has a color, then the code color will appear in the export file.

The color 1 column will contain the actual color from the retail inventory if there is no color chart, or the color chart does not contain the actual color in inventory, or if the code field is blank for the color chart.

For example:

'ALLURE COUTURE BRIDALS','C308','TS-8','CHAMP/IV',0,'164','CHAMP/IV','0128649' 'ALLURE COUTURE BRIDALS','C307','TS-8','IV/SILVER',0,'164','IV/SILVER','0128650'

Once the file is created, it's imported into an InstaRetail web site to update the current QOH.

To use the InstaRetail upload:

  1. Set the Sold Via on E-Commerce tab of Retail Inventory to Web only or In store+web for the styles to be uploaded. This can be done in bulk by performing the following steps. You can repeat step c for any number of vendors. ​
  2. Go to Setup->System Maintenance->FoxCMD
  3. Type set excl off
  4. Type update sinvmast set sisoldvia='Web only' where sivendno='vendornumber '
  5. Replace vendornumber with the vendor number to update.
  6. Type quit ​
  7. Confirm that the sizes and colors in retail inventory actually match the sizes and colors on the InstaRetail web site. This only needs to be done once, unless new styles are added to the inventory for a vendor that will be uploaded. Then those new styles need to be checked.

  8. Import vendor color charts using Import Size/Color Charts to make sure all the vendors to be uploaded have color charts with colors that match the InstaRetail web site.

  9. Use Check Size/Color Charts to confirm that the colors in retail inventory all appear in the color and sizes charts for each style. Use it to check each vendor that will be uploaded.

  10. The store would use InstaRetail Upload as frequently as necessary to generate a new upload file to update the InstaRetail E-Commerce site's quantity on hand. Daily would not be too frequent during busy periods.