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Extra Charges

Setup->Extra Charges and Main->Housekeeping->Inventory Setup->Vendors->Extra Charges Button (EXTRA) and Main->Housekeeping->Inventory Setup->Inventory->Style Tab->Extra Charge Button (EXTRA)
Menu: Setup->Retail Inventory Setup->Extra Charges and Setup->Retail Inventory Setup->Retail Inventory->Style Tab->Extra and Setup->Retail Inventory->Vendors->Extra Charges

Action: EXTRA


Creating Extra Charges for items special ordered is an important feature. It allows for codes & instructions to be attached to the items being ordered making it easy for the supplier to understand what is being ordered as well as capturing the correct costs for each added charge. This information is printed on the Purchase Order and on the customer's sales receipt as an agreement of what is being ordered for how much, as well as maintained with the SALE of the item so the proper sales reporting and accounting/auditing may be performed.

Extra Charges may be listed separately on Sales Reports with their own selling price, cost & gross margin.

Extra charges for sales transactions that have a special ordered status will automatically appear on Purchase Orders as separate line item(s) directly below/associated with the item they are applied to. The cost of the extra charge will be listed with each.

Extra Charges may be predefined (when they are known in advance, i.e. large sizes or extra length) or they may be ad-hoc. Meaning they may be added to the SALE at point of sale and repeatedly used

Extra charges may be manually applied at Point of Sale by the operator OR set to automatically apply when an item is sold with specific parameters. This is all created/maintained within the Extra Charge form explained in this topic.

Note, if an extra charge is configured to automatically apply based on the size code, and the size on a sale is changed from a non-qualifying size code to a size code that does qualify, the extra charge is not automatically applied. For example, if an extra charge is set to apply if the size is 20, 22, 24 and the sale is rung up with size 18, the extra charge will not automatically apply. If the size is later changed to 20 on the sale, the size will still not automatically apply.

Extra charges entered may be applied to any sale transaction for any store in Multi-Store installations (they are not store specific).

Deleting an extra charge from this setup form has no effect on tickets that may have used the extra charge being deleted. It will stay on the tickets and POs that it was utilized on.

Creating Pre-Defined Extra Charges

Inventory - Details Style tab

​ Extra Charges may be set to only be applied to specific inventory styles, and entry form is located at: ​ Retail Inventory form on the Style Tab using the Extra Charge Button or From a customer's sales ticket by selecting the ticket SALE item and clicking Adj/Cancel/Extra Chrg-> Add Extra Charge-> Add Perm Extra Charge (EXTRA)

Displays the Extra Charges form, only showing extra charges for the selected/displayed style code & allowing new extra charges for this style to be created. These extra charges may only be applied to this style when sold on a sales ticket and will print on POs.

Vendor - Extra Charges

​ Extra Charges may be set to only be applied to all styles of a specific vendor, and entry form is located at: Vendor form-> Extra Charges Button ​ Accessing the Extra Charge function from the vendor form allows for vendor specific extra charges to be maintained. Extra charges set up from this form apply to the selected/displayed vendor only. Thus, when adding a extra charge on a ticket to an inventory item manufactured by this vendor, the charges entered here will be included within the extra charge list. Additionally, the user can enter a manufacturers style code, and/or category within this form to further limit which items from this vendor the extra charge may be applied to. Extra Charges applied to a customer ticket appear on the ticket showing the Retail Price and Purchase Order showing the Wholesale cost.

Inventory Switchboard

​ Extra Charges may be set to apply to all styles and all vendors, and entry form is located at: Extra Charges form ​ This form lets the operator to maintain extra charges for the store crossing all vendors and inventory styles.. The charges entered from this menu function with a BLANK Vendor style & Category cross over all vendors & inventory items. These are pre-defined prices for extra charges to any inventory items sold on sales tickets. Extra charges created on this form can apply to any item sold.
​ Extra charges created here with no vendor or vendor style are not style or vendor specific and later applied to items on sales tickets will not print on POs. ​ Optionally, this form also allows for the entry of a vendor style and/or category which make the extra charge applicable to a matching category/style inventory item when sold. ​


To manually add any extra charge to a sales ticket, first, display the ticket & select the item to apply the extra charges to. Then, click the Adjust/Canc/Extra Chrg. transaction button on the ticket form and then click Add Extra Charges. A menu of existing pre-defined charges will appear for the operator to choose. Now, the operator may use an existing extra charge or may click the Add Perm Extra Charge to create a new pre-defined charge for the selected style & vendor. This extra charge will be saved and can be re-used for later SALE transactions for the same style/vendor. The operator may alternately choose Quick Add Extra Charge which allows for a 'one time use' (temporary) extra charge to be added to the ticket for the selected sales transaction. This charge is NOT saved in the Extra Charge database for later use.

The Quick Add Extra Charge form allows for a charge description retail price and wholesale cost to the entered. In addition the operator may enter the item's PO private instructions which allows for significant comments to be entered describing the specific extra charge details. All this information is printed onto the PO when issued. Private instructions do not print on the customer's receipt whereas the description & retail price will.

Using Pre-Defined Extra Charges

To manually add an extra charge to a sales ticket, first, display the ticket & select the item to apply the extra charges to. Then, click the Adjust/Canc/Extra Chrg. transaction button on the ticket form and then click Add Extra Charges. You will then see a list of the extra charges defined for that item. This list will include

1) Extra Charges defined to be store wide, 2) Extra Charges defined to be specific of the vendor that manufactures the selected item and 3) Extra Charges entered to be specific to the highlighted inventory item. Select the extra charge from the list and it will be added to the sales ticket. ​ Extra charges can also be automatically added to tickets in specific circumstances. See Automatically apply this extra charge section below. ​ Extra Charges show on a ticket with a transaction code of Extra Chg.

Editing Extra Charges

Once an extra charge is added onto a customer's sales ticket it may be edited. Extra Charges may be edited from the customer's sales ticket that contains the extra charge or from the PO Item Maintenance form of the sales transaction, if special ordered. ​

From PO Item Maintenance

Locate & select the PO item (the PO item is found on the sales ticket and from the PO reports). Once selected click the Details Tab. The Extra Charge button letters will display in BLUE when Extra Charge transactions are present. Click the extra charge button to see a list of Extra Charges attached to this item. Double click the Extra Charge to edit. Once selected the Extra Charge may be deleted or any of it's details modified which will be reflected on the PO when printed and customer sales receipt. ​

From Ticket

From the ticket simple highlight the Extra Charge line needing editing and click the Adjust/Cancel/Extra Charge transaction button. The Extra Charge details will appear for editing.


Be careful of editing extra charges for special orders once POs are printed. The ordering information may be with the vendor and cannot be changed. Extra Charge wholesale costs may be changed at any time, even when it a PO is printed. This is helpful when adding a extra charge to a customer's ticket and the wholesale cost is not known. Later when the cost is learned, a user may enter it within the system form the customer's ticket or from the PO Item Maintenance form. Extra Charge edits or deletions, including edits to special or private instructions are logged for security purposes.

Extra Charge form Fields

Code...A alphanumeric code that identifies this extra charge (does not have to be unique).

SmartLink code...A single letter code that identifies this extra charge to the vendor. Only used for vendors that support SmartLink, when purchase orders are sent electronically to the vendor.

Description...A unique description that identifies this extra charge.

Category...If you enter an inventory category here, this extra charge will only apply to retail inventory of this category.

Manufacturers style...If you enter a manufactures style number, this extra charge will only apply to sales of that specific manufacturer style code.

Cost $...The fixed vendor cost for this extra charge.


Cost %...Instead of a fix cost the cost may vary. ProfitSystem will dynamically compute a cost based on the setting below. This is computed as a positive adjustment, versus a normal

Compute cost % on...When using the cost % option you can now select what number ProfitSystem computes the percentage on. The options are:

  • Style cost: Computes the extra charge cost as a % of the cost of the style sold.
  • Style price: Computes the extra charge cost as a % of the price of the style sold.
  • Extra charge price: Computes the extra charge cost as a % of the price of the extra charge itself.


If the Cost $ & Cost % fields are left empty, ProfitSystem will prompt the operator for the cost of the Extra Charge when it is applied to the sale item on the sales ticket.

Retail $...The standard/fixed Retail price charged to customers for this extra charge.


Retail %...Instead of a standard Retail price the Retail charge may vary.

ProfitSystem will dynamically compute a Retail price based on the selling price entered for the item the extra charge is being applied to. Note that this is entered as a % markdown (10% for example) but will be computed as a positive amount. If Retail $ is 0 and Retail % is blank, prompt for the retail price of the extra charge

At sale time (checkbox)?... If the Retail $ & Retail % fields are left empty, ProfitSystem will prompt the operator for the retail selling price of the Extra Charge when it is applied to the sale item on the sales ticket, if this option is checked. Otherwise, ProfitSystem will leave the price zero.

Compute retail % on gross price?... If a Retail % is entered for the retail price of the extra charge, it is normally computed on the net retail price. That is, the retail price with all discounts and adjustments applied. If this option is checked, then the retail % is computed on the gross price, with no adjustments or discounts..


The Extra Charge transaction is like an adjustment on a sales ticket, however it's retail price and cost are stored on the Extra Charge transaction and cost is POSTED to the revenue report as a separate entry.. These costs are reflected in the inventory statistical information, sales reports and accounting type reports like cost of sales.

Sizes...A list of sizes that this extra charge applies to. Separate sizes with a comma. This is used to automatically apply extra charges to items. For example, if you sell a size 15, and an extra charge has 15 in it's list of sizes (and the Automatically apply this extra charge option is checked) the retail price & cost for the extra charge will be added to the sales ticket. Sizes do not have to be entered in as an exact size. For example, when the extra charge should be applied to a range of sizes the entry 20-26 is accepted and the charge will apply to any size between & including 20 thru 26. Enter 20-26, ProfitSystem will automatically expand the number to 20,21,22,23,24,25,26 automatically when the form is saved.

Try not to include spaces when entering sizes. You should never enter letters in the size field. For example, 20W will not work. If the W is required for the extra charge, then it should be entered in the Code field. The 20 part then goes in the Size field.

Automatically apply this extra charge (checkbox)?...If checked, ProfitSystem will automatically add this extra charge to a sales ticket when an inventory item is sold when this option is checked and the 'Auto apply if' selection is valid

Auto Apply if (select one)...

  • Code or Size Matches: The extra charge Code matches part of the size of an item. For example, the code is EX and the size of an item being added to a sales ticket is 12EX. The code is case sensitive and must match the letters in the size exactly.
  • Code and Size Matches: both a numeric size from the size list and the code on the extra charge must match the size and code sold. For example, if the size was 16EX, then the extra charge code would have to be EX, and 16 would have to appear in the list of sizes.
  • Size matches only: Only the numeric size is checked against the list of sizes on the extra charge. If the size sold was 16EX, and the extra charge code was EX, but the sizes were 8,12,14, then the extra charge would not apply.