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SnapPay is an add-on service that allows a shop to request payment from a customer where the Customer may make a online credit card payment and the successful payment automatically applied to their sales ticket. This saves the shop time and increases convenience to the customer.

Getting Started

  • The shop must have a Gravity Payments merchant account. Note ChargeItPro was renamed to Gravity Payments in 2020. In ProfitSystem, the setting is still called ChargeItPro.
  • Gravity Payments needs to enable the EmergePay service for the shop, which is linked to your merchant account. You must contact Gravity Payments at (866) 701-4700 to enable Emergepay. Make sure to tell them that you're using the ProfitSystem from BBL Systems.
  • Gravity Payments will provide EmergePay credentials. The should be entered into each Register in the ProfitSystem from which the shop will request payments from Customers. The credentials consist of an OID, HMAC, and Auth Token. The Register Settings are located at Setup->General Setup->Register Setup (or Main Menu->Housekeeping->General Setup->Register Setup)

Set up email templates

In the ProfitSystem Edit Emails screen, edit the 'PAYMENT REQUEST' email template, which is sent to Customer upon SnapPay payment requests. The Edit Emails screen is located at Setup_>Letters/Email/SMS/Tags/Labels (Or Main Menu->General Setup->Email SMS Tags Labels Letters). This PAYMENT REQUEST template should already exist in the Email list. If it doesn't, contact BBL Systems for assistance.

Note: In addition to the standard Customer email data merge codes, the Payment Request template will have two Snappay merge codes of paymentamount and paymenturl . The paymentamount merge code will be replaced by the actual payment amount requested from the customer. The shop user will enter the requested payment amount when composing the email to the customer.

The paymenturl merge code is automatically replaced by an http link that the Customer will click to enter their credit card information to complete the payment.

You can create more than one Payment Request type emails and select the correct one each time you send an email.

Go to the Sales Associates page, located at Setup->General Setup->Sales Associates (or Main Menu->Housekeeping->General Setup->Sales Associates). For one or more Sales Associates, check the 'Gets To-Dos for payment plans and hosted payments?' option.


Once the Snappay setup steps are complete users in the shop are ready to begin requesting payments from Customers.

To request payment:
1. Go to the ticket for the customer OR members tab of an event.
2. If using the Ticket, click Receipt and choose Email. On the email dialog box, select insert email template, select Payment Request. This email template contains the PaymentURL and PaymentAmount merge codes.
3. On the Members Tab for the Event, select the Customer. Above the Member grid, for Select member/customer task: choose Send Email. Select the Payment Request email.
4. Customize the email as needed when it displays. Make sure the paymenturl and paymentamount merge codes are present.
5. Click Ok to send the email.
6. It will prompt for the payment amount. The customer won't be able to change the payment amount.
7. If the Customer has two or more tickets, the system will ask the User to select the ticket to apply the payment received by the Customer.

The customer receives the email and makes payment
1. They click on the payment request link in the email.
2. The credit card entry form is displayed and they enter their credit card details.
3. If the payment is approved, the approval details are sent back to the ProfitSystem. If the card is declined, no details are sent back to the ProfitSystem.

To process the payments into ProfitSystem
Use Process Cloud Forms to retrieve the payments and automatically apply them to the tickets.

  1. In ProfitSystem, go to Marketing->Process Cloud Forms (or Main Menu->Housekeeping->Reports->Marketing->Process Cloud Forms). Any payments made will be retrieved and automatically applied to the Customer's ticket. The payment will show as made on date where the payment was actually processed via Cloud forms.
  2. A To-Do will be created for each payment processed, and it will be assigned to the SA that actually created the initial SnapPay request. This alerts SA that the payments were processed.

The SnapPay charge will appear as a normal charge in the Gravity Payments dashboard.