How do I sell something not in my inventory

Generally the style code you enter must appear in your Retail Inventory to be able to sell it. However, there is a special way to sell something even if you don't have it in your inventory. Make sure the "Allow sale of item not in inventory?" option is checked in System Setup, Options Tab.

Then, when you enter a style code on a sales ticket that does not appear in your Retail Inventory, you will be prompted "SKU not on file, sell anyway?" If you say yes, the style code will be converted to NOSKU, a special style code that always appears in your inventory that has a MiscSales accounting class assigned and Misc category assigned (by default when the system is installed). The user entered SKU will be copied to the reference field so there will be a record of what was entered by the user.

The MiscSales accounting class 'Allow Price Changes' option should be checked which allows the user to make the price whatever is needed.

Most users do not use the NOSKU option because there are a number of reasons why you do not want to sell items that have not been entered into your inventory. Including:

You will not be able to analyze these sales as you can analyze other sales using the sales reports, since they will all show up under the NOSKU style.

You cannot special order this item, since the style will appear as NOSKU on a purchase order & the vendor will always be the system default SHOP vendor.