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Orders Report


This report is available with the WinTPOS software option is for retail type store/accounts. This report lists all of the rental orders that qualify according to the criteria specified. It is useful to find out how many orders are expected for a particular weekend (specify the weekend for the date range and select all statuses) or to show orders that you are still waiting to receive from your suppliers (status Confirmed). The report totals the number or orders selected & printed on the report. When the order is returned without the customer picking it up, the code NO SHOW will appear next to the number.


Pickup date, order date, or assembly between xxx and yyy (checkbox)...Select what kind of date range to use, then enter the date range. You must enter a date range.

Order Status...Select all the order statues to limit the report data. Hold down the Ctrl key and click each order status to include in the report. For all orders select the ALL STATUS selection.

Only show sub-rented line items (checkbox)...Will only include orders that contained any item that was marked for sub-rental.

Hide order line items? (checkbox)...If checked, the report will only show order header details, and will not include the actual styles rented.

Orders with or without deposit, Only orders without deposit, Only orders with deposit (checkbox)...Check the selection that you wish to limit report data. If any payments have been made towards an order, the orders is considered to have a deposit made.

Pickup at store(s)...Enter one or more store ID's (separated by commas) to limit the report to orders to be picked up at those stores.

Ordered at store(s)...Enter one or more store ID's (separated by commas) to limit the report to orders that were ordered at those stores.

Group by pickup account? (checkbox)...If checked, the report will list the orders sorted on and broken down by pickup accounts. Otherwise, the report is sorted by pickup date.

Overbooked Orders only?... Checked, the report will only show orders that have some item on it overbooked for the time period needed.


Done... Run the report with the enter criteria

Cancel...Exit the report, do not run it and return to the previous form.