
A ticket's sales receipt is a printed record of ALL financial transactions, i.e. charge (sales & rental), adjustments, payments ..etc made by a customer.

Using the optional email integration module a receipt may be emailed. The Email Receipt button will appear if Email is enabled. A dialog box will appear to confirm the email address, enter a subject, and enter text for the body of the email. The receipt will be attached to the email as a PDF file. The Insert email template drop down will display a list of Customer source, Email type letters.

Selecting one will insert the contents of the letter into the email body. This can be used to insert boilerplate or common blocks of text for emails, such as signatures.

Typically a printed receipt will be for a single sales ticket. However, a sales receipt can recap several tickets. This is the case when a single payment is applied to multiple sales tickets via the Payment Form. Printed Sales receipts may also recap rental order details, via the optional rental module.

The receipt is printed automatically when you finish with a ticket, after making any changes to the ticket. For example adding sales transactions or taking a payment.

You can also press the Print button on the Ticket form to print a receipt. The fields are listed left to right, top to bottom. You may see these options when the Print receipt button is clicked:

Print: Prints the receipt to your defined printer.

Main-> General Setup-> System Setup-> setup-tab-> Prompt for summary only receipt?... Checked, the ProfitSystem system stop and ask user to print a summary or standard receipt. A summary receipt will only print the receipt grand totals. It omits all line item details.

eMail: eMails the receipt. A dialog box will prompt for the Send to email(s) to receive the receipt, a subject for the email, a reply-to email address,and a Message. The Send to should contain one or more email addresses.

If more than one email address is entered, separate them by a space or a comma. If left blank, the reply-to email address will be set to the Sender email address in the email setup, located on the Stores form, on the Internet tab. Text entered in the Message will become the body of the email, and the receipt will be attached as a PDF.

eMail & Hold: eMails the receipt and marks the ticket held. Most likely the consultant is waiting on the proper signatures or confirmations from the customer. Once all is OK, the ticket HOLD can be released by entering the ticket and clicking the Un-Hold button found to the right of the item grid. Tickets marked HELD will appear in the follow-up modules found under Main Switchboard-> Files-> BM Follow-up and Bridal Follow-up. The words Ticket HELD will appear next to the customer name. Held Tickets will appear in the Un-Issued on screen worksheet the HELD code. This is a message to the operator that the PO should not be issued for the item.

Fax: Receipts may be faxed when your hardware is properly configured with a fax modem. This option only appears once the hardware is configured. See the How I fax receipts topic for more information.

If the 'Prompt for summary only receipt?' option is checked in System Setup, it will stop and ask user to print a summary or standard receipt. A summary receipt will only print the receipt grand totals. It omits all line item details. ​ Note ProfitSystem with optional Rental Point of Sale feature can print the details of a rental order associated to the ticket. A rental order will generate a rental transaction on a ticket that represents the total charge of the rental order. The details of the rental order, i.e. use date, pickup date, return date, styles & sizes ..etc will be printed on the receipt the first time the ticket is printed. It will not print on subsequent printed receipts or after a Rental Reservation Receipt is printed. ​ Receipt Information ​ Logo...If there is a file called LOGO.BMP in your data directory (located in Profitsystem LIVEDATA folder) the bitmap will be printed in the upper left corner of the receipt. The bitmap should be 210 pixels wide by 77 pixels high.

Date, time, register name...The top right of the receipt contains the date and time the receipt was printed, as well as the register that printed it.

Store name, number, address...The store name comes from your license file and can only be changed by BBL Systems customer service. The store number and address are entered in System Setup - Setup Tab.

Ticket...This is the ticket number that is automatically assigned by ProfitSystem.

For:...This is the customers name and address. If they are a member of an event, their role, the event name, the event number, and the sales associate who registered them is printed here. The customers measurements will also print here if the Print measurements on receipt option is checked in System Setup - Options Tab.

Transactions...For each transaction the receipt shows:

Type: Sale, Canc for Cancellation, Adju for adjustment.

Date: The date it occurred.

Qty: Quantity sold.

Style: The store style code sold.

Description: The description from Retail inventory.

Size,Color: For the item sold.

Price: The original selling price of the item, before any adjustments. For adjustment and cancellation transactions, the price si the adjustment or cancellation amount.

St: Short for status. O for special orders, C for cancellations, T for taken from store, I for In pickup inventory.

Clerk and Sales associates...If the Print clerk and all salespeople on receipt option is checked on System Setup - Options Tab, ProfitSystem will print the clerk and SA.

Special instructions...If the Print special instructions on receipts option is checked on System Setup - Options Tab, ProfitSystem will print the special instructions.

QTY @ Price...If the Print QTY@Price on receipt option is checked on System Setup - Options Tab, ProfitSystem will print the quantity purchased at the price.

Reference...If the reference on receipts option is checked on System Setup - Options Tab, ProfitSystem will print any reference entered on the ticket.

Statement summary...List the sub-total, total tax, then breaks down the payments paid today versus payments paid before, and finally lists the balance due. ProfitSystem supports the ability to set-up & apply multiple tax rates to sales transactions. The sales receipt will print the totals for each tax rate next to that tax rate's description.

Contract...ProfitSystem will print the Receipt Document Terms at the bottom of the receipt. If the receipt contains a special order, the Special Order terms will also print. If the receipt contains a rental order, the Rental Agreement terms will print.