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Event Types

Switchboard: Main->Housekeeping->General Setup->Event Types
Menu: Setup->General Setup->Event Types

Action: EVT_TYPE

Wedding, school, and social are event types. The term event refers generically to an event that occurs on a specific date. Events also has members. Members are customers who are purchasing or renting items. The event become the method to access those customers & their purchases in an efficient method.


Event type...A unique descriptive name for the event type.

Pre-days...When automatically computing the pickup date, subtract this many days from the event date. Used with option TPS & TPOS modules

Post-days...When automatically computing the return date, add this many days to the event date.Used with option TPS & TPOS modules.

Allow Overbook (checkbox)?...Set the default rental order Overbook permission on new orders. When checked, operators may over book rental inventory. Use in conjunction with the System Setup->Rental Tab->Force rental orders option enabled by default?.

Like a... A drop down selection box used when adding a new event type. It must mimic the event registration form behavior of one of the default system event types of Wedding, School or Social. Each of these formats the Event form in it's unique way.

Add a new event using each one of these event types to see the formatting differences.