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Create Cloud Forms


Used to create basic MyInfo pace

Encrypted shop id...The encrypted shop id must be submitted as a field for a myinfo page or web form. Will default to the shop's unique code.

Store number... The store number is needed for web forms. Will default to the Register/Terminals store ID.


Myinfo Page...The Profit System will prompt for a folder, and it will create myinfo.html and myinfo.css files. These two files can be used as a starting point for the myinfo web form. The page will already have the correct encrypted shop id embedded, along with basic formatting.

Prospect/Appoint Page...The Profit System will prompt for a folder, and it will create prospect.html. This file can be used as a starting point for a web form that can collect basic customer demographic information, i.e. Name, address, phone, event date ..etc that would be inserted in the ProfitSystem prospect screen. The page will already have the correct encrypted shop id and store number embedded, along with basic formatting.

Prom Prospect Page...The Profit System will prompt for a folder, and it will create prom.html. This file can be used as a starting point for a web form that can be used for customers who have arrived at the store and are waiting for an appointment. It's often used for prom customers.

Tux Prospect Page...The Profit System will prompt for a folder, and it will create tux.html. The Tux Prospect form is a standard HTML web form & CSS file that is filled out by a tuxedo prospect in the store usually with their personal smartphone or shop Kiosk indicating they have arrived and waiting for a sales associate to help them select a tuxedo.

Close...Closes the form.