QB Point of Sale Import

Action: QBPOS

This form is used to customers, inventory, vendors, and categories from Quickbooks POS.

This tool looks for four Excel spreadsheets qbcust.xls, qbvend.xls, qbinv.xls and qbdept.xls. The files must be in Excel 95 format, exported from QB Point of Sale. If the files will not import in ProfitSystem, try loading the files into Open Office and saving them as Excel 95 version.

To create the files, you must have MS Office installed on the same computer as Quickbooks POS. These instructions were created with Quickbooks POS 12.0 and Office 365

  1. In Quickbooks POS, go to File->Utilities->Export
  2. Select Inventory Items and click Next.
  3. Write records to (sheet): Select sheet1
  4. Choose an export template: All Fields
  5. Click Next.
  6. Click Export.
  7. The spreadsheet is exported, and Excel will open and display the spreadsheet
  8. In Excel choose File->Export and export using Excel 95 format. Name the file qbinv.xls

Repeat these steps, but select Customers and name the file qbcust.xls. Then select Departments and name the file qbdept.xls. Then select Vendors and name the file qbvend.xls.

  1. Go to Setup->Import Data->Quickbooks POS
  2. Click Ok
  3. The ProfitSystem data will be reset to defaults
  4. The ProfitSystem will prompt for the qbvend.xls file, select it
  5. The ProfitSystem will find the rest of files automatically. If not, select the correct files as it asks for QB Customers, QB Categories, and QB Inventory.
  6. After import, restart the ProfitSystem