Style Quantity on hand
QOH Section (Quantity on Hand)
The QOH form is used for tangible styles, likes dresses, shoes & veils. Quantity entries may be manually entered by creating new QOH entries (Create QOH function) or by receiving Stock Purchase Orders.
It is recommended for create stock POs and receive them for the best maintenance of the Inventory style's on hand quantity. When sales are made and the item is sold from stock the system will automatically decrements the on hand quantity.
The QOH form will become an Receiving History for the style, so the inventory Manager can see size and colors currently in stock or was previously in stock. However, the system does not prevent a User to edit an existing QOH entry to change it's size, colors or quantity.
The Quantity on Hand Grid is searchable. Simply click the funnel icon for any column and enter a search filter on that column of the grid to see the desired entries.
QOH Grid
Value Display ... This is the sum of the Units in stock * the unit cost of each entry * Cost Factor %
Create QOH ... This function adds a new quantity on hand form where QOH data may be entered. Field data available for entry is defined below.
Create QOH Matrix ... This allows quick creation of QOH records using size and color charts. This button will only appear if the style has a size and color chart. A matrix will be shown, with sizes across the top and colors down the side. A quantity can be entered into each cell, and a QOH record will be created for the size/color/quantity for each cell. If a cell is left blank or set to zero, then no QOH is created for that size and color.
Column Antenna ... Create Boolean searches of the data within that column.
SIZE hyper-link ... Clicking the SIZE hyper-link of a row displays the QOH edit form
Menu options
Print Label ... Prints a single informational or price label for the QOH entry. There are several tag layouts available that print via a ZEBRA printer. See the Tag/Label KB article for more information .
Delete ... This function is only visible to the Owner/Operations manager security level and when clicked the QOH entry will be permanently erased. If QOH is on a OPEN (Not Received) Purchase Order, they system will not allow for the QOH entry to be deleted. Delete purchase order utilizing this style & QOH entry prior attempting to delete a QOH entry.
Transfer ... Only seen when the account has two or more store locations setup with the everywhereRetail system. The Transfer is a mechanism used to move inventory between stores. It is a simple process and is described in detail within the Transfer help topic.
On STYLE CREATE, the system provides a sub-set of the QOH fields to increase entry speed.This is great for stores who are wanting to quickly add style samples when initially loading the system.Once the style is SAVED the full set of QOH fields are available.
The QOH list contains the actual physical inventory of this style, size, color(s) within the store. Each time additional quantity is received for a style a new QOH entry should be created. This entry results in a Stock Receive History for the style.
The QOH Section shows the Total Quantity on Hand (the grand total of QOH for all size/color entries) and total Inventory Value for this inventory entry - See Inventory Cost Factors for more information on value computations.
Within the QOH list is a "Print Label" button. Pressing this button will present a popup of Price Tags designed for a variety of different size price tags. Please review the Price Tag knowledge base for additional information. These tags are designed to print on commercial quality Zebra thermal printers using either the ZPL or EPL printer language.
When an item is sold from "Stock" via a Sales Ticket/Ledger the SKU's QOH is automatically decremented by the number of units (quantity sold).
QOH Fields
UPC ... Some products have UPC bar-codes printed on the packaging. Enter/Scan this UPC bar-code number here and the UPC bar-code may be scanned during a SALE to quickly locate & display the item.
Bar-code ... A 10 (ten) digit unique identifier for this QOH entry. It is automatically created by the system when this QOH entry is created. The bar-code is printed on Price Tags so when scanned during a Sale or Physical, the system knows the specific Style, Size and Colors of the item being sold or counted. It cannot be changed.
Created Date Time ... The date this QOH entry was created and is automatically completed by the system. It may not be edited.
PO Number ... QOH entries may be
- Manually created by User clicking ADD button
- Created by Customer's Sales Ticket, when a User cancels a SALE that was originally a Special Order
- Created by Receiving a Stock Purchased Order* When receiving a Stock Order the QOH entry will be created upon receipt and the QOH entry created is permanently linked to it's Stock PO line item and the Purchase Order number is inserted in this field for display/reference. It is a hyperlink, which when clicked will display the PO. This linkage insures future receipts, if any, of the same item would be added to the linked QOH entry. Example 5 of a style, Size, color combination were ordered. 3 were received on the Stock PO which created a new inventory QOH entry for the style. Some time later the remaining 2 were received, these 2 would be added to the existing previously received 3 for a total of 5 received in inventory. A new QOH entry is not created for that later receipt.
Size ... The actual size of this item. Is is best to enter single digit sizes with two numbers, i.e. 02,04,06,08, 08.5, 04.5 etc. This helps with sorting in reports.
Color 1, Color 2, Color 3 ... The actual colors of this item.
Store location ... The location store ID of where this item is physically present. Multiple QOH entries must be created when QOH appears in more than one store location.
Quantity on Hand.. The physical quantity that is in the selected store location.
Unit Cost ... The wholesale per unit cost of this QOH entry. In some cases merchandise samples are on loan and there is no cost associated with the QOH entry.
Received ... Defaults to the date from Created Date field above, but may be overwritten by a user. The date is the original date this item was received into the store.
Qty Received ...The original quantity received, which can be used for reordering and calculating the original total cost for multiple stock items received. Quantity on Hand reflects the current QOH.
Minimum On hand Quantity ... Enter the minimum number of units to maintain in stock for this specific style, size & colors(Bar-code) in this store location. When the quantity on hand falls below this amount, the system will alert users and the item will display on the Inventory re-order report. This is a super tool to keep a minimum quantity of an item in stock and allows for speedy reordering for stock.
Reorder Quantity ... Enter the minimum number of units that should be ordered on a new stock order for this specific item. When creating Stock Orders from the Inventory ReOrder report, this number will become the default quantity to order.
Quantity on Stock Order ... This is the number of this specific item (Style-Size-Color1-Color2-Color3=SKU) currently on stock order for the store assigned to the item.
Last Physical ... The Physical date field is the date and time of the last date/time the bar-code was counted. The date/time does NOT change when a physical occurred and the bar-code was not counted.
Physical Variance ... This is any Variance occurring from the last physical, where the Bar-code was counted. The Variance is the difference between the quantity as it stood before a count was applied and actual physical count.
Last Modification date ... This is the date that the Retail price of this item changed or additional quanity was added or the size or color(s) were modified. The Bulk Price Tag printing report utilizes this date to allow selection based on modification date to print Price tags in bulk. Print all price tags for inventory items modified today, as an example.
Notes ... General info about item. It is a field that may be used as reference or reminder when this entry is reviewed again.
Markdown date ... When inventory has not sold it must be marked down in price to encourage customers to purchase the merchandise. This date allows the shop record when the markdown is applied. The Inventory Not Sold report can utilize this date to list only those styles a that have or have NOT been marked down. Markdowns are entered on individual QOH entries.
Invoice Number ... An invoice number can be entered on the QOH, this invoice number refers the invoice on which the item is invoiced. It is saved with the QOH item. To search for previously entered invoice numbers, go to Reports->Financial->Received Invoices.
Changing the quantity on hand
You may manually modify the QOH at anytime. The system auto logs such changes in the System Log. When attempting to edit a QOH entry please remember the size, color(s) must match sizes and colors within the style's color & size charts (if any are entered on the style) otherwise a message will appear that "Size and Color not found".
Multiple entries can exist in the QOH section for the same colors and size. This way the same sizes and color items may be carried in multiple stores (each QOH may belong to a different store). Many shops will receive the same merchandise over a period of time. They sell and reorder. The receipt of each reorder may be added to the existing QOH entry or a new QOH entry can be created. Adding new entries is advantageous when the unit costs have changed, for example or there is a need to keep a history of all receiving.