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Create Stock POs

Purchase Order -> Create Stock Purchase Orders

Items may be created for Stock Ordering from this form OR from a specific inventory item's Inventory Retail Styles form.

The Vendor and Category to be used for the stock order must exist in system before a stock order may be created.

It is very fast to re-order existing items from the Inventory Retail Styles form by first locating the item then clicking the Issue Stock PO Line function.

Note: If you create a stock PO item from a retail Style, it will be added to that style when received.

If you create a stock PO item from the Create Stock Lines form, it will always create a new style in the system. So, even if you create a stock PO item where the vendor style, category, and vendor matches an existing style, it will create a new style when you receive it.

Access the Create Stock Purchase Orders from the menu.

Select the Vendor (may be selected from drop down) the item(s) are being ordered from and merchandise category the items fall within (may be selected from drop down) and Vendor style to order. Only one vendor and category may be selected for each batch of new items for ordering. The steps may be repeated for multiple vendors/categories.

A spreadsheet-like grid appears, where you can enter a vendor's actual style, size, color(s), unit order cost, quantity to order and store location items is ordered for(for mutli-store chains). As styles are entered, new rows will appear to enter more styles, sizes, and colors. Once all vendor styles are entered for the selected vendor and category, click Save button.

Within the Sizes & Colors to be ordered section the operator must enter the vendor style, quantity, size & color combinations to order. As each line's details are completed a new line for addition size/color combinations will appear. Unit costs for each item may vary from the reorder cost previously entered. Just type over the default cost to whatever it may be - it is not unusual for sample cost to be different than the special order reorder costs. Enter the store ID of where the item is intended to be located.

When entering a the system will attempt to locate the vendor style within the existing inventory. Upon tabbing off the style field the item's default reorder cost will appear when available.

The system will auto create an inventory style entry, if the vendor style entered does not exist within inventory. This new style entry within the retail inventory will be provided an automatically created store style code. The Retail Inventory entry will include a Store Style, Vendor & Category. Additional information such as retail price, re-order cost & description may be added by the Inventory Manager at any time.

When complete click the SAVE button. The system will clear the screen remembering the last vendor and category selected, allowing the User to quickly change vendor or category to enter additional items for stock ordering.

Upon completing entering new stock items to be ordered, visit the Issue Stock Order menu option to physically create an open PO to the Vendor for the items entered within this Create Stock Order form.

Stock Orders should be created even for orders left at market. When returning to store from market the orders should be keyed into the system. When issued the market order number can be assigned to the PO when issued by typing the market order number into the PO number field when provided during the issuing process.

When stock orders are received from Purchase Orders, the quantity received for each size/color(s) combination are auto added to the Inventory Styles "quantity on hand" grid.

Receiving is accomplished via the Purchase Order Edit menu. Remember to enable closed Captions for explanations & CC translations are available via Youtube.

Create Stock Orders video