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Style Edit Form Data

Copy ... From the displayed inventory item, this shortcut will create a new inventory entry and will automatically copy vendor code, category, service setting, sizes and color entries/labels, retail factor %, fees and season code to new item. The user then just needs to enter the unique data for the new inventory item. A great time saver.

Delete ... Be careful! This function can permanenCtly delete this style and all QOH entries and is only available to Owner/Operations Manager security roles.

In the event the Style is in use on a customer's sales ticket or on a purchase order, the system will not remove the style form the system, but will be marked DELETED / INACTIVE (by inserting the current date as the deleted date) & INACTIVE. All Quantity on Hand quantities will be changed to 0. Inactive / Deleted styles do not appear on look-ups or inventory reports unless specifically requested.

When the STYLE is on an open PO, the purchase order will be forced closed, thus marking the PO received.

It is possible whereby a DELETED style could have Quantity on Hand. In the case of Open Purchase Orders received after the Style was deleted or a User manually entering a QOH entry after the style is deleted. It is advisable to run a Inventory listing report periodically for deleted / inactive styles to check and update QOH entries .

New Stock Orders cannot be created for styles marked Deleted. If a Open (Non - Received) Purchase Order exists for the style being deleted, the open quantities are not affected and could be received later for the deleted style. Open POs should be manually canceled or PO forced closed by a store user when deleting a style.

Style Deletions are logged in the Audit Trail Data log. Once a style is deleted it cannot be edited, however any QOH entries may be.

Create Stock PO Line ... Will create a pending stock PO line item for this style when is not in an Inactive state. System will default vendor, style and cost. User must enter size & colors to order.

Favorites/Sales History ... Presents a popup report with six(6) tabs of data for YTD & Lifetime sales history. Also shows customers and total times the style was added to customer's Favorite lists.

Tab 1 - Year to Date Sales (YTD): Shows the customer with sizes and colors to whom the style was sold for the year of the current system date.

Tab 2 - Lifetime Sales (LTD): Shows the customer with sizes and colors to whom the style was sold since it was available.

Tab 3 - Favorites: shows customers with the total times the style was added to any customer's Favorite list since the style was available.

Tab 4 - Stock Orders: List the Purchase order number and date of issue with style details of all POs where the style was ordered for stock.

Tab 5 - Special Order: List the Purchase order number, customer name and date of issue with style details of all POs where the style was ordered fora customer

Tab 6 - Rental: Shows the customer name, event name, pickup date and event date of all customers whom have chosen the style for rental. The sales transaction must be assigned the Rental status for the style to appear within this tab. See topic How to Rent for more rental process information.

Add Another Style ... User may add additional inventory style. This blanks data display and readies form to new style information. See BBL PicturePerfect Inventory topic for how Picture Perfect affects new style creation.

Image Refresh ... The system will look for vendor style matches in the BBL Picture Perfect data and provide a list of any matches found. The User would select the proper BPP grid entry (when exists) and the displayed style information would be updated per the BBL Picture Perfect rules. The currently selected style is always updated. Any other styles in inventory with the same vendor style, vendor, and category are also updated.

See BBL Picture Perfect© topic - Updating Existing Inventory Style section for rule information.

Extra Fee ... Displays the Extra Fee form for this specific inventory style. Fees are extra charges that may be applied to an item or dress being sold to a customer. The system will provide a drop selection of all pre-entered fees. Example extra charge fees are: Extra Length (XL), Add Straps, Extend Train, Extra Size, etc.

See the Extra Fee help topic for more information.

Important eCommerce Note: Any extra fee with code extra length, extralength or xl will be exported to the eCommerce store as a option for the inventory style where a online shopper could select the fee for a add-on to the style when purchasing online.

Audit Trail ... Show a list of edits to this specific inventory item displayed with the User that performed the edit.

Update eSC ... This function is available when a active eStyle eCommerce account credentials are established in Store Setup. The function will push the current QOH for the style and each QOH entry to the eStyle eCommerce record for it's matching style, size & colors (SKU). A "Can't Synchronize" message will appear if a matching Style, Vendor, Size & Colors record cannot be located on the eStyle system. (Size and color names must exactly match those on eStyle for the synch to be successful)

eCommerce ... This function displays the eCommerce integration form where a User may input the details of the export of the displayed inventory style to the eCommerce store.

Style Details Form

Store Style... This is a unique alpha numeric code and required for each inventory item. This style code will be printed on sales receipts, reports, etc. EverywhereBridal/Prom/Retail will auto-generate sequential style codes when the the newly created inventory item is saved with this field left blank. When the system generates style codes, it will insure that the style code is not an duplicate.

We do not recommend using the manufacturers style code for your store style code since multiple vendors may use the same style code and store style codes must be unique, no two may be the same. A CODED style works well and when it is the only style code printed on the price tag it helps keep the REAL vendor style a secret.

A style code can only contain letters, numbers, and $, %, *, -, +, /. It cannot contain “, ‘,[ or ].

Vendor Style ... The number placed on the purchase orders by EverywhereBridal/Prom/Retail®. This is the number that the vendor understands and recognizes as a style number for his or her merchandise. It is the manufacturer's stock number. A vendor style code can only contain letters, numbers, and $, %, *, -, +, /. It cannot contain “, ‘,[ or ].

Vendor ... This is Vendor name which is the source of this style. A dropdown of all "non-hidden" vendors will appear. Select the vendor from the list. Type and the selection list will only show Vendors that matched the typed in characters.

Add Vendor link .. Changes screen to Vendor create form where a new vendor may be added.

Edit Vendor Link ... Displays the Edit vendor form allowing for edits to the currently assigned vendor.

Category ... Categories are used to group inventory items by their “type”. Examples of categories would be: Bridal, Bridesmaid, Accessory etc. Several sales reports will show sales by category. Also, the Daily Report uses the category code to total revenue by category.

Sub-categories are further breakdowns of a main category and selected here. For example, you may have a main category for Bridal and a sub category for Ball Gown. Ball Gown could be selected which would indicate Bridal category and Ball Gown sub Category so when a Sales report is ran the user could select Bridal and see all sales for bridal subcategories.

Add Category link .. Swaps form to Category/Department form where a new category may be added.

Edit Category Link ... Displays the Edit category form allowing for edits to the currently assigned category

Description ... A general description of the inventory style. We do not recommend that you put color or size information in the description, since this style code and description will be used for sales of any size and color. This description may be printed on reports, sales receipts, purchase orders, etc. The description may be a maximum of 50 characters.

Attributes (Use comma to create custom attribute) ... This field is utilized to assign characteristics to the style. Examples are fabric type, train, sleeve, neckline, for dresses or collar, cuff, coat type for menswear.. Once assigned inventory inquiries may be performed filtering to styles containing all the entered search attributes. When assigning attributes to the style, the system provide a list of standard attributes, however custom attributes may be assigned by simply typing the keyword following it with a comma. Example: WoolBlend, Click this link for a list of the standard system attributes. You may submit suggestions for attributes to be added to the standard list by listing them in a email to

Hint: Integration with BigCommerce can support the export of the first FOUR attributes into custom BigCommerce fields, whereby online shoppers could search the online store products based upon the attributes exported. This BC searching is accomplished via the BigCommerce Faceted search feature. See this BigCommerce topic for more information

Service checkbox ... If this Style / SKU a service, then check this option. Services do not have quantity on hand (QOH) entries since it is an intangible item. Examples Services a shop would sell are Shoe Dying, Shipping, Custom Fittings services ... etc

Pro Tip: Styles marked as a SERVICE may be provided a NEGATIVE selling price. A example: Coupon. Negative prices will result in a markdown reducing the amount owed by the customer.

InActive checkbox ... If this Style / SKU should no longer be sold, then check this option. INACTIVE styles may NOT be added to customer Favorites or sold on customer Tickets/Ledgers. Inactive styles will continue to appear on Inventory by Category and Inventory by Vendor listing reports for reference and inventory Value computations.

Sizes & Colors. Entering available ordering Size and all color charts are OPTIONAL! If this data is NOT entered on the style the system will allow the operator to enter any size and/or color on the customer sales ticket to be special ordered. Skipping these inventory fields allows you to quickly add the inventory items so you can get started using the system faster. You can come back later and add the the sizes and colors charts when you find the info is needed.

Important! Size & Color charts should be utilized for integration to eCommerce shopping sites. When utilized the system will export the charts linked to a style so online shoppers would be presented with valid sizes and colors the items would be available in.

Size Chart ... Size Charts may be created prior to inventory entry for each Vendor within the Vendor form. On this style field enter an existing chart name, or press the lookup for a list of all existing size charts. Select an existing chart. When a size chart is selected for the style, then when sold on a Customer ticket, only sizes within the chart may be selected. Size charts may also contain the measurements for each size and when entered during a sale to a customer, the system will highlight a workable size based upon the customer's entered measurements as compared to the size chart size measurement. The use of Size Charts is not required.

Sizes charts for the selected vendor are shown, and also size charts for the vendor STORE. Creating size charts for vendor STORE allows reuse of size charts.

When performing a size chart lookup from the style form, a Fast Add option is available on the Size Chart lookup form where a Size Chart may be immediately created using comma separated values. for the sizes and measurements. Measurements are optional to enter when creating a size chart via Fast Add. Measurements, particularly Bust, waist and Hip, when entered will be used to suggest a size to the shop User when the style is being sold. This is accomplished by the system looking at the Bust, Waist and Hip measurements entered for the Customer the item is being sold to and suggesting the Size to select. This is based on the largest Customer measure as compared to the measurements entered on the Size chart.

Edit Size Chart ... Opens the edit page for the size chart. This can be used to review or change the size chart on the fly.

Size Chart URL ... Insert a web link to the size chart for this inventory item. When inserted a DISPLAY button will appear and when clicked the URL content is displayed in another TAB window of the browser. This could be a vendor's website page where their up-to-date size chart information is. This could be a good reference to the shop's Users.

Color 1 Chart ...Color / Fabric Charts may be created in advance for each Vendor within the Vendor form. Enter an existing chart, press the lookup for a list of all entered color charts.

When performing a color chart lookup from the style form, a Fast Add option is available on the Color Chart lookup form where a Color Chart may be immediately created using comma separated values for the colors.

When a color chart is applied to the style, then when sold on a Customer ticket, only colors within the chart may be selected. The use of Color Charts is not required. When no color chart is applied then the User may enter any color name on a Customer ticket when sold.

Color charts for the selected vendor are shown, and also color charts for the vendor STORE. Creating color charts for vendor STORE allows reuse of color charts.

Edit Color Chart ... Opens the edit page for the color chart. This can be used to review or change the color chart on the fly.

EverywhereBridal/Prom/Retail supports up to three colors for an inventory item. The three color options can have a descriptive name to help a sales associate choose the proper colors when selling it to a customer, referred to as Color Label. Also the size & colors chosen will print on a Special Order to instruct the Vendor as to which size/colors to ship and on the Receipt for the customer to see.

Leave the Color 1,2,3 Chart fields blank (empty) in the inventory and there will be no validation when creating a sales ticket. The user may enter any color on the customer ticket when selling the style for special order.

Color 1 label ... The color description, example: Dress. Maximum characters allowed for name is 20.

Color 2 Chart ... Color Charts are created for each Vendor within the Vendor form. Enter an existing chart, press the lookup for a list of all entered color charts. When a color chart is applied to the style, then when sold on a Customer ticket, only colors within the chart may be selected. The use of Color Charts is not required. When no color chart is applied then the User may enter any color name on a Customer ticket when sold.

Color 2 label ... The color description, example: Underlay. Maximum characters allowed for name is 20.

Color 3 Chart ... Color Charts are created for each Vendor within the Vendor form. Enter an existing chart, press the lookup for a list of all entered color charts. When a color chart is applied to the style, then when sold on a Customer ticket, only colors within the chart may be selected. The use of Color Charts is not required. When no color chart is applied then the User may enter any color name on a Customer ticket when sold.

Color 3 label ... The color description, example:Belt. Maximum characters allowed for name is 20.

Color Chart URL ... Insert a web link to the color chart for this inventory item. When inserted a DISPLAY button will appear and when clicked the URL content is displayed in another TAB window of the browser. This could be a shop or vendor's website page where a display of the available colors for this style. This could be a good reference to the shop's Users.

Discontinued ... Upon notification from a vendor that an item has been discontinued, you can enter the discontinued date in this field to indicate that this particular item has been or is soon to be discontinued. If a consultant sells an item that has had a past discontinued date entered for it, the customer Receipt/Ledger will display a message indicating the item being sold has been discontinued and the QOH can be sold. If no QOH exists then the style may not be sold or ordered. The discontinued date would have to be removed from the style for it to be sold.

Last Received ... Date / Time of most recent QOH entry for this style. This is automatically populated when QOH is added to the style, either manually from the QOH form or imported via Inventory Import / Fast Add function.

Retail Factor % ... This factor is the reorder cost multiplier that will default to a Selling Price 1. A reorder cost of 150. with a factor of 200% will result in a Selling Price 1 of 300. Retail Factors may be set for a Vendor's category so the factor will default to the entered percentage. This is an aid to insure the store is meeting the minimum vender / designer markups.

Reorder Cost ... This is wholesale cost to reorder a new item. This amount can be different from what was originally paid for the sample or 'in-stock' item. When you sell an item, the reorder cost is used for the cost if it is a special order. If it is a stock sale (Pickup or Layaway), the cost is retrieved from the QOH for the item being sold.

Price 1 & Price 2 ... Price 1 & Price 2 are the retail selling price of this inventory item. The store Sales Associate may choose Price 1 or Price 2 when ringing up a Sale. Some examples uses are: Full service and No service pricing, Special Order or Stock Sale pricing etc.

On a style add/edit, Retail Price 1 will be calculated using the vendor category retail factor percentage when it is entered onto the shop's Vendor entry (a manual step to create). When the computed Retail 1 price is higher then the manually entered Retail Price it will be inserted onto the style entry. The computed price is calculated using the entered reorder wholesale cost and the Retail Factor percentage found on the shop's Vendor entry for the category selected for import.

Price 1 / 2 Margin ... The gross profit margin is automatically calculated on the reorder cost and selling price ½ and displayed as a aid to insure the correct margin is being obtained.

VAT considerations

For regions with VAT pricing (sales tax is included in the selling price), the retail price entered Price 1 & Price 2 should not include the VAT. The VAT Tax will automatically be calculated based on the tax rate selected in inventory Category assigned to the Inventory style. On the customer receipt the VAT calculated amount will be automatically inserted (added) to the style's selling price appearing on SALE edit form.

VAT will be reported separately on Daily Report and Taxes Report and will not be included in any sales reports or other revenue/sales totals.

Review VAT checklist for all considerations

Spiff Type ... EverywhereBridal/Prom/Retail can track spiffs (sales bonuses) by inventory style. Spiffs may be awarded base on how the style is sold, such as sold to a customer Special Ordered or sold from STOCK which is a great way to pay bonuses for selling discontinued styles out of stock. Choose Special Order, Stock or EITHER, i.e. either means special order or stock sale qualifies for the spiff bonus.

Spiff ... This is the spiff factor calculates the spiff bonus amount. The entry may be a whole amount or a percentage. For example 25 would be a spiff of 25 no matter the selling price (or extra charges or markdowns). The spiff factor could be a percentage, i.e. 10%, so the spiff amount would be calculated at 10% of the net selling price of the style, inclusive of extra charges and markups or markdowns.

Spiff amounts are calculated at the time of the sale of the style. Modifications to spiffs do not affect sales previously made for the style. The spiff rules on the style in effect at sale time are maintained.

The Sales by Associate / User report will list each style sold by a consultant and any spiff earned will show for the style and be totaled.

Season... A optional field. The Season is a good reference of the selling season the inventory item was purchased for. The season is comprised of two parts. The year's season, i.e. Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter and part 2, the year. The year is required when a season is selected.

Notes ... General notes about the item, could be average delivery times, very special change options or just anything that would be helpful. A portion of the notes could print on Price Tags.

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