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Learn how to link an existing ticket to an Event

How to create a sale for an event member

Customer->Receipt (by clicking total Sales link) Event-> Member (Bride or Groom)-> Receipt (by clicking total Sales link)

How to Create ticket Video

Access a customer's receipt by clicking the total Sales hyperlink, Total Balance hyperlink or Ticket Button from the Customer form or from the member's form of an event.

The ticket access hyperlinks will appear once a customer (event bride, groom or member) is Saved with a First and Last name.

Each customer is provided sales receipt/ledgers that contain transactions such as SALES, ADJUSTMENTs to Sales transactions, FEEs added to Sales transactions, Sale CANCELLATIONS & PAYMENTS.

This virtual Receipt/Ledger is similar to a credit card statement, a user is able to see all transactions on one form making the customer's receipt easy to read. The benefit of this approach is there is only one screen where a user can see all transactions and thus there is not a question as to what the customer has purchased and the balance.

A customer may have multiple receipts/tickets, however. When the customer is a member of multiple events the system will require a separate receipt/ledger for each event.

Clicking the customer's Balance or Sales hyperlinks will (image above) allow the user to create a new receipt/ledger for the customer, or select an existing receipt/ledger.

Ticket Selector

It is possible the customer may have multiple receipts/ledgers. The Ticket number drop down will allow the user to select any ticket number related to that customer so only those transactions of that ticket number will appear.

In this image, the customer has three existing tickets. The user would click the ticket row to edit/review, then click the OK button. Instead the user could click the Add button to create a brand new ticket/receipt/ledger.

Tip: Ticket numbers are three components.
1) Store number (store id from which the ticket was created)
2) 2) Customer batch ID
3) 3) Sequential ticket number.

Once a ticket is assigned to a ticket it will never change, no matter how many transactions are added over any given period of time. Each new ticket will see the store id stay the same, then the Customer Batch id and sequential number will increase by 1.

A recommended approach to audit daily transactions is to run Report -> Register Journal report.

Event Assignment

Typically the same receipt/ledger is used for all transactions relating to a specific event. All sales & payments relating to that event can be entered onto a single receipt/ledger, making the process very easy to reconcile for those transactions relating to that event.

A customer receipt/ledger may be assigned to No Event. Meaning the ticket and it's transaction are not related to any event. Customer Tickets may only be assigned to Events the customer is a member of.

The event name is defaulted to the Event Name of the event that the customer is a member of and where their receipt was accessed from. If there is not an Event name selected, any event the customer is a member of may be selected from the drop down event selector. Only Sales Transactions with their associated Fees & Adjustments tagged to the selected event will appear on the Receipt.

The event name displayed, if any, will be automatically tagged to all Sales transactions made during the session. The Return to Event hyper link appearing below the Event name when clicked will clear screen and display that Event.

The customer ticket and all it's transactions may be assigned to a specific Event that the customer is a member of. The Customer must be a member an event prior to assigning the receipt/ledger to the Event. When a receipt/ledger is created from the member's form of an event for the customer, then the new receipt/ledger is automatically assigned to that event. This assignment will appear once the first transaction is added to the ticket. The event assignment may be removed or assigned to another event the customer is a member of in case of an error.

See this FAQ for re-assigning ticket transactions to an event that originally was not..

When the customer enters the store for a individual purchase, then the SALEs should be placed onto a new receipt/ledger without an event assignment, thus allowing that ticket and associated transaction NOT to be related to a specific event.


Each receipt/ledger allows for balances. Meaning the receipt/ledger balance does not have to be zero. This allows the customer to make payments based upon the store's payment policy.

Customer Balance Report is a good report to see customers and the individual receipt/ledger balance.

Transactions & Functions

When a customer's receipt/ledger is displayed, there exists a set of functions to manipulate and manage it. Key edits are automatically logged within the EverywhereBridal/Prom/Retail's Audit Trail for management to review the transactions. This is a nice security feature and provides a tool to see who has made receipt edits.

The ticket header contains the store name and address as well as ticket number and last printed date & time. Next, appears the customer contact information and potentially an event name.

Available Receipt Functions

This menu option set is seen on the top right portion of the receipt form screen

Function List


Fast Stock Sale












Additional Ticket Function menu links

Show/Hide Older

Show Canceled

Show/Hide Images

Event Drop down


Function Creating Sales


The Sales function when clicked will create a new sales transaction to insert onto the receipt. When selected, the Sales Transaction Add page will display prompting for the required information to create the sale.

The Add Sales form includes these fields of data

New Style link ... By clicking this link a user with proper security will be able to create a new inventory style. This is a convenient way to create inventory to sell on a when needed basis. Upon completing the inventory add, the customer's receipt is re-displayed so then the new inventory item may be sold.

Style Section

The editor for Adding a new sales transaction contains these fields of information:

Quantity ... The number of units of the item that is to be sold, defaults to quantity 1. Style ... This is the identifier of the style that is being sold. The field will accept a inventory Store style, QOH barcode, Vendor Style, or QOH UPC of the item. The information may be manually typed in or scanned via a bar-code reader when the price tag attached to the item has the inventory bar-code.

Vendor Style and UPC codes are not unique within the system. When the User enters one of these codes and multiple inventory entries are available, the system will display all the possible choices. The User will be required to select one of the choices.

Once a item is selected, the Size & Colors of the selected item will appear in the form. The user may change any of the displayed field values of the selected item. If the edited values do NOT appear on the selected style quantity on hand, then the User will be forced to set the status of the sale to special order, otherwise the User will have the option to sell the style's quantity on hand from Stock.

When Style values are not known, The user performs a inventory SEARCH by clicking the magnifier icon within the Style field. In the Search grid, a user may simply type in the vendor style or store style, bar-code or upc. Also the columns may be filtered for more search control.

A picture of the item will appear when entered if there is a image url 1 entered on the inventory style.

Size ... Select a size from the drop down. Any numbers within parentheses next to a style is the quantity on hand of that size in stock. Color 1 ... Select a color from the drop down. Any numbers within parentheses is the quantity on hand of that color in stock. Color 2 ... Select a color from the drop down. Any numbers within parentheses is the quantity on hand of that color in stock. Color 3 ... Select a color from the drop down. Any numbers within parentheses is the quantity on hand of that color in stock.

TIP: When selling the style, the user will be forced to enter in a size & colors that matches the data within the Sizes Available field or Color 1,2,3 fields within inventory for this style. Example: Sizes available are: 02,04,06 When the style is being sold on the ticket the user must enter 02, 04 or 06. The system will not accept any other value. However, if you leave the Sizes Available or Color 1,2,3 fields are blank (empty) in the inventory there will be no validation and the user may enter any size or colors on the customer ticket when attempting to sell the style.

Pricing Section

Price 1 or Price 2 ... The entered prices for the selected style will appear. Choose the desired price. The Retail price may be overwritten so the user may enter any price desired. During Add, price must be selected prior to the Tax & Status sections appearing.

Fees Section

Fees 1 -5 ... Fees are the standard extra charges available for the selected style. Clicking within a Fee Description field will display a drop down of Fees previously created/entered on the inventory style or Vendor. Choose any that are required, to a maximum of five, 1 per line.

Any Fee may also be entered ad-hoc / on demand in the Fee section, meaning it does not have to be previously created and added to the inventory style. A user may add a Fee to the style being sold any time, even after the Sale is created. Wholesale Costs are typically included with a Fee as well as the Retail price being charged to the customer. Once entered the Wholesale cost will be masked/hidden with asterisks. Click the Hide/Show button next to the cost to toggle the mask On or Off. Click the Clear button to erase the Fee. By default the Taxable box is ticked, meaning the Fee will be charged the tax rate selected in the following tax section. Remember to un-tick this box to NOT apply the sales tax.

Fees are printed on Purchase Orders as additional instructions to the vendor. The Wholesale cost included with the Fee will be included in the PO Cost, i.e. the amount you are agreeing to pay the manufacturer for the item being purchased/ordered.

Tax Section

Checking the Taxable box will charge the selected taxes chosen within this tax section.

Non Taxable ... Do not charge tax to this item or any fees. Tax 1 ... Charge this tax rate to the sale and fees. Tax 2 ... Charge this tax rate to the sale and fees. Both taxes ... Charge both tax rates to the sale and fees.

Status Section

Pickup ... Check this option to mark the item as being sold from stock and being taken with the customer. This option is available when the size/color(s) chosen for the item is in stock, meaning a quantity exists in inventory for the style, size, color(s) being sold or is a Service style.

TIP: Intangible items being sold should be considered Services & should be given a Pickup status, since a service is intangible and never stocked. Styles in inventory can have a services option checked and when done always default to a STOCK sale when sold.

Special Order ... Check this option to mark this item to be Special Ordered. A pending Purchase Order will be created within the PO module where it must be released/sent to the vendor by a user. When this Special Order option is chosen a Special Instructions area will appear below the choice.

When items are marked discontinued in Inventory, meaning the discontinued date has passed, a message will appear alerting the user when the item is entered onto the sales receipt. However the user will be allowed to special order the item, in case the vendor will provide an exception and allow the order to be placed. If not the item may be canceled.

Special Instructions ... The Special Instructions box is an area to type in any text as directions or instructions to the vendor concerning the item being ordered. Examples could be additional info about Fees being charged - Same as Sample, add 3" train length, Add straps ... etc

The Special Order Instructions has two function buttons available, 1) Insert Measurements button will auto insert all the measurements entered onto a customer's record 2) Insert Rental Styles button will insert any rental styles entered onto a event member's form.

Special Instructions print onto the Purchase Order as additional instructions/communications to the manufacturer. They also print on the customer's Receipt to indicate to the customer and for their approval of the instructions sent to the manufacturer concerning the item being special ordered.

Private Instructions ... The Private Instructions box is an area to type in any text as directions or instructions to the vendor concerning the item being ordered. Examples could be additional info about Fees being charged or special arrangements made with the vendor or customer. Note: Private Instructions are not intended to be seen by the Customer. These private instructions are printed on the Purchase Order.

Layaway ... Check this option to mark the item as being sold from stock and being kept at the store. The customer will return later to take/pickup the item. This option is available when the size/color(s) chosen for the item is in stock with a quantity on hand.

Extended Price ... The extended price is automatically computed and is the quantity sold times the price plus all Fees added.

SA 1 ... Enter the Sales associate to receive sales credit for this transaction. SA 2 ... Sales credits may be split 50/50 between two Sales Associates. Enter the second Sales associate to receive sales credit for this transaction.

The Sales by Sales Associate Report will provide sales totals for each Associate and automatically perform the splits.

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Function Fast Stock Sale

Fast stock sale is where the User may quickly add a batch of new sales transactions by selling inventory merchandise out of stock by entering or scanning price tag bar-codes as fast as possible. This is very similar to most ready-to-wear retail stores and how they ring out merchandise.

Fast Stock sale will obey Extra Charge Fees for size, meaning, the system will check the style entered for extra size fees for larger sizes and if the size being sold falls within a fee's size parameter s, the additional fee will be included on the ticket.

Clicking the Fast Stock Sale link will display a grid with four fields of data and a screen area to show the he inventory styles scanned.

SA 1 ... First store associate to receive sales credit for all items entered in the Fast Stock Sale. Sales Revenue/Bookings may be seen on Sales by Associate Report. This defaults to the currently logged in user.

SA 2 ... Second store associate to receive sales credit for all items entered in the Fast Stock Sale. The would split sales credit with SA 1.

Adjustment ... The adjustment can be a whole amount, example: 10 or a percentage, example: 8.5%. SAs or Adjustments may be modified prior to saving the styles.

Barcode/UPC Number ... The UPC /Barcode of the Style's QOH entry being sold (the bar-code of price tags printed out of everywhereRetail). Entering a inventory style will cause a popup of the style's QOH entries to appear to allow the user to select the proper Size/color being sold. A style entry may be removed after entry by clicking the red X next to the line.

The status of each SALE will be set to TAKEN and stock levels decremented by 1 for each style entry.

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Function Payment

Allows for the User to collect payments from a customer and where the payment transaction will appear on the Customer ticket/Receipt and reduce the balance owed.

Balance Section

The Customer's Receipt Balance will be shown in the payment form for reference.


Pay ... Enter the amount of the payment.

Tender Section

Cash, Credit Card, etc ... Select from the listed tender types. Tender type options are set within the System Setting form.

Selecting cash will prompt for amount tendered so the system can compute change due. Tender means the amount of money the customer hands to the attendant. The difference of the Tendered amount and the amount being paid on the merchandise is the CHANGE due back to the customer.

Selecting Credit card with a Payment Processor selected within the Store Settings form will display the credit card processing options for the chosen Payment Processor. The User would select the credit card terminal for the customer to use when implemented. Refer to the electronic Payment KB Topic for additional information

Selecting Credit card without any Payment processor integration will prompt for card type & payment approval code which is manually entered.

Selecting Check will prompt User for check number.

A SnapPay payment option will appear when the ChargeitPro Payment Processor is selected and all CIP credentials are completed in Store settings. SnapPay allows the User to eMail a payment request for a specified amount to the Customer, whereby they can pay at their convenience. Once the Customer submits their payment via SnapPay the payment made will automatically appear on their ticket/receipt.

Check out the Split Payment feature to see how to apply a single payment across multiple customer tickets.

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Function Refund

Will allow money to be returned to a Customer. The system will allow the total of money collected to be returned. Returning money paid will increase the balance owed by the customer when sale transactions exist on the Customer's receipt/ticket.

Payments Section - displays amount of money paid by customer on this ticket. The amount of Refund may not exceed how much the customer has paid on this receipt. The user should enter a negative amount for the amount to refund. When the user clicks into the Refund field, the system will default to the ticket's negative balance, if a negative balance exists for the customer on the ticket. The User may enter any negative amount for the refund up to the total payments made by the customer.

Amount ... Enter the amount of the refund not to exceed the total amount paid. Tender Type ... How is refund being paid? Select the tender type.

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Function Adjustment

Allows for a receipt ticket Markup (increase) OR Markdown(decrease) to be applied to the Customer's ticket/receipt. Adjustments are applied to specific sale transactions selected by the User.

When the Adjustment function is selected, it will display existing non cancelled Sales transactions. The User would select the sale transaction to adjust. Once selected The Markdown Section will appear.

Unit Markdown ... Enter the amount of markdown, can be whole dollar like 10 or a percentage like 10%. Once entered the system will automatically compute the amount of markdown and displayed. The calculation excludes any extra fees that may be in effect on the sales transaction.

Any Extra Fees that are applied to the sales transaction are excluded from the sale transaction amount shown and thus excluded from the adjustment entered.

Unit Net price

New net unit price of the item is automatically computed and displayed in this section.

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Function Tip

Tip hyperlink displays a list Tips given by Customers on this ticket by date with Sales Associate(s) receiving tip amount. Up to two Associates may split the tip amount (split is calculated on the Tip report). The tip details may be edited by a Manager or higher security level.

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Function Cancellation

Displays existing non canceled Sales transactions. Select the SALE transaction to cancel. Once selected The Cancel Reason Section will appear. Enter a description & click SAVE. The Canceled Sale transaction will disappear from Receipt display. To see canceled sales the user must click the Show Canceled link on the Receipt.

Any SALES transaction may be canceled. For SALES that are on open Purchase Orders is to first Un-issue the purchase order, then cancel on the ticket. However, un-issuing a PO is not required to cancel. See the How do I cancel Sales topic for more information.

The system will also check for any linked fitting tickets or rental orders to the sales transaction and will automatically delete a linked Fitting ticket. The system will prompt the User for deleting a linked Rental order. The User may select NO to not to delete the linked Rental order.

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Function Signature

Displays a signature log for this customer's receipt / ticket and Merchandise Pickup / Acceptance approvals. Any of the entries displayed may be reprinted for the shop or emailed to the customer

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Function Comment

Comment will allow the User to enter a general comment of up to 250 characters, that once saved, will display and print on the Customer's ticket / receipt. It is ideal for reminders to customer & shoff staff of such things as customer is losing weight or try to become pregnant or shop had recommended a size 14 and customer ordered size 10, etc ...

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Function Receipt

Prints the receipt. System prompts for printer destination and terms to print. Only displayed transactions will be printed. Receipts are rendered into a PDF and displayed to the operator who in turn can Print to any destination available to their local workstation.

With Digital Signature enabled within Store Settings, the user has the option to capture a digital signature & email in one step or to just print the receipt. Digital Signature requires a touch screen device. Choosing Sign & Email option the user will be prompted for the Terms of Sale to include with the receipt. Clicking Sign, a form will appear with the Terms and a signature box. Now provide the customer access to the terminal or tablet to allow them to review the terms and then sign for the receipt with their finger or a stylus provided by store. The email address will default to the address on the customer profile, otherwise they may type an email address in the email text box. The user has a option to Not accept the terms and cancel the process or to Accept the terms. Once Accepted the system will attempt to email the user and then provide a message for the shop user indicating whether the terms were accepted or declined.

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Function Audit

Displays a grid of all key edits to the receipt and who performed.

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Function Mail

Allows for the receipt to be eMailed to customer email address. Whatever transactions are currently displayed on the screen will be emailed. Operator has the option to add a message and select purchase terms prior to sending.

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Function SMS

Opens the SMS editor defaulting to Customer's primary phone number and allows a SMS to be sent to the customer by entering free form text or inserting a SMS template.

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On accessing a customer sales ticket the default behavior is CANCELLED transactions are hidden and all other transaction are shown, ir-regardless of age.

This is a TOGGLE link, like a light switch. It is On or Off.

This function Displays or Hides transactions prior to today's date. Only transactions showing on screen will Print on a receipt.

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Show/Hide Images

Images linked to sales transactions by default do not show on sales tickets. Click the Show Images link to make available images appear. Once appearing click the Hide Images link to make them disappear. Images are linked to inventory styles on the Inventory style edit form

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On accessing a customer sales ticket the default behavior is CANCELLED transactions are hidden and all other transaction are shown, ir-regardless of age.

This is a TOGGLE link, like a light switch. It is On or Off.

This function will display all previously canceled Sale transactions. Clicking the Link again will Hide the canceled transactions. Transactions currently displayed on the receipt/ticket receipt will print.

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Function Rental Order

Will display the Rental Order entry form to allow a User to enter new or edit existing rental information. Please refer to the Rental Order entry topic for a detail explanation.

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Event Name

Customer tickets may be assigned to an event and the total purchases and balances will appear under the event it is assigned to. The customer must be a member of an existing event in the system before their ticket / receipt may be assign to the event.

A event name hyperlink ... Will display all events the customer is a member of, allowing any of those to be assigned to this receipt / ticket.

Assign to Event hyperlink ... Will display all events the customer is a member of, allowing any of those to be assigned to this receipt / ticket.

Once an event appears within the Event field a Return to Event link will appear below it and when clicked will take the user to that event.

Remove Button ...Removes the event form the customer's receipt / ticket

Return to Event link ... Displays the event forms allowing for review and edits.

Customer Name link ...Displays the Customer's Profile page allow for review or edits.

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